He told me once but I don't recall the total weight. Impressive though when he pulls in. I figure green Oak at 5,800 a cord x 20 = 116,000 lbs. tare, plus truck, trailer, grapple, and a zillion, with a z, gallons of diesel. 150,000 sounds like it's in the ball park. I think you get two 20,000 axles, and 13,000 on the other four axles behind the cab, 20 for the steer axle if it is 13' from the next axle, then the dolly, maybe 26,000 and the rears at 20,000 ea. What's that? 20, (13 x 4), 40, 26, 40 = 178,000. I think 180 is max in Michigan but not for sure. Maybe someone with a CDL would chime in.
First thing he asked on the phone when he was driving down was, "How's that mud hole?" It was about 20' long. I got it dug out and filled, and topped with crushed concrete. When I cleared the wood lot I added a drive back out to the road to accommodate these trucks. Very wet winter/spring here. As I said in another post, I heard the big lake is up seven inches this spring. He said the frost laws usually hold them up. This year that wasn't an issue, but the woods are wet and getting in and out has sometimes been a problem.