Milling is hard and gets a saw as hot as they'll stand. I use synthetic at 25-32:1. Saber will work. I can't stand the smell of ultra. I've even used castor like 927 Maxima and haven't had any problems. It won't burn clean on firewood duty though
Im wondering now also, to keep enhine temps down about using a different heat range spark plug to dissipate heat quicker in conjunction with heavier oil and rich mixture. What do you think?
I have used lots of different brands of oils. Find one that fits your budget, that the smell is acceptable and use it at 32:1.
Get the saw to temp and keep there, if possible when not cutting let it idle sitting as up right as possible or laying on the flywheel side. If you can, top of the fuels while idling. Set the high side a bit rich but not to much, set the idle as rich as possible allowing the saw to idle.
Would not pay extra for a synthetic versus semi, or a brand.
Well what ive been doing is after a cut, ill set the saw upright and let ot idle for a minute then shut it down let it set ten minutes or so while i set up for the next cut.
I like the synthetic blend poulan oil im using right now.
I will be using that Poulan oil soon as well. It was on clearance at Walmart over the winter. I have not experienced any saw problems with any oil, some of them smell horrible, cause headaches, and the faintly dyed or amber ones are annoying because of the second guessing if there is oil in the mix.
So i went with royal purple 100% synthetic... my napa was able to get it for me in quart form. About 13 bucks per quart. Ill be the test guinea pig... but there oil is supposed to be top notch, time will tell.
Can I just dump a quart of Shell Rotella T diesel oil in it lol... I mean heck, with all the aditives that stuff has, it should make my equipment run like a spring chicken!!!!! Of course that stuffs almost as thick as bar oil and smells like poop when it burns (leaky valve seals on my truck... trust me, it STINKS)