Stihl Wrenching
Id add a length of fishing line and yank them back into the weeds when they go to pick it up!:hmm3grin2orange:

I knew kids like you - and I'm out of rep!!!

Id add a length of fishing line and yank them back into the weeds when they go to pick it up!:hmm3grin2orange:
Id add a length of fishing line and yank them back into the weeds when they go to pick it up!:hmm3grin2orange:
sell em on ebay
then buy your wife a whatever the amount is you get for them worth of flowers.
she will love you real hard for at least 3 days .
in that time buy a stihl 088 .
all i got.
Lol!!!I'd scratch Property Of The Devil on it somewhere before I put it by the road. It would give em somthing to think about while theyre pulling the rope.
If I were a betting man,I would wager that most people who have little regard for them ,have never seen,much less operated them .Can I have an Amen?
Well,I could but I'm trying to be nice,for a change.
Then I will take back my facetious remark from earlier...![]()
Actually the SP25 is a damn good little saw from BITD.
I thought you hated poulans from the remark you posted about my 3000. You offered me 35 cents when scottr wanted it.Im just givin ya hell.
Nah, give them to Red and you will make a friend for life.
Kinda like Manuwell and the Wood_Nookie![]()
I don't understand why all you guys don't like the Poulan's. They are one of my favorite saws. I will take them if you don't want them... I am all giddy now knowing that they might be headed my way.
I really wish you Poulan bashers would all just grow up. You just don't know a good saw when you see one. Sheesh...