Any Interest In Revisiting Porting The 550XP?

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Well, here we go again...The Brad and Randy Show. :msp_rolleyes: You two need to knock it off...there's a Breaking Bad marathon on tonight that I'd much rather watch than referee another "I am" , "no you're not" between you two.
Well, here we go again...The Brad and Randy Show. :msp_rolleyes: You two need to knock it off...there's a Breaking Bad marathon on tonight that I'd much rather watch than referee another "I am" , "no you're not" between you two.

Well I started this thread see........and.....well.....

Just delete the whole stinking mess.
**** sake snelling, just keep your opinions to yourself on the chimps builds, surely you see he doesnt like your input already from other threads?
All you end up doing is wreaking the thread for us mere mortals to enjoy. :msp_thumbdn:
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I apologize if my MM comment attributed to the back and forth comments.
I'm done with build threads for awhile.

"Well Crap".... last week while on vacation I kept thinking about a PROMISED 2100 rebuild/port thread:hmm3grin2orange: and how I was just positive it would be here when I got back. Now I guess, I'll never get to see it. :sad4:
Anybody want to see more build threads from Mastermind? I do. They add a lot to this place.

+1. Dont let em getcha down Randy we all know nothing runs like an ape raped saw!!! Carry on my fine sir no other builders carry an audience thru a thread like you. There's a reason for that.
Anybody want to see more build threads from Mastermind? I do. They add a lot to this place.

I totally do, and I wish other builders would keep it civil or pick up the phone or discuss via private message. If they think they can do better, then they should take the time to post their own thread rather than critique another.

Quite honestly, it doesn't reflect well on the pot stirrer.
Anybody want to see more build threads from Mastermind? I do. They add a lot to this place.

I surely do, but we have to live with the fact that people have different opinions, without making it personal!

Just continue Randy, as if nothing happened! :msp_thumbup:
Having a "Mastermind" sticker on my saws is like a badge of honor for me. I work hard and save my lunch money so I can get'em. I feel Randy's saws are at the top of the food chain. Hell, most of us that have a "Mastermind" saw don't just stop at one. My stable is "pure Mastermind". I can see myself mixing brands in the future- (there are some Stihls that are weighing on my mind at the moment), but I'm not going to be mixing stickers.:cheers:
I apologize if my MM comment attributed to the back and forth comments.

No sir, your comment was fine. The one that followed yours was the one I didn't care for. That one has been deleted.

Brad asked about more blowdown, and I commented that the first few degrees of transfer flow was just fresh air. I would have loved it if Brad would have asked me what I meant by that statement. Instead he went on to tell us that more blowdown worked great for him on strato saws. And in saying that he implied that we should all have those same findings.

This is a fine place to discuss these sort of things........but when he moved on past my answer to give his findings, it made what I was saying pointless.

The old saying about making a silk purse from a sow's ear come to mind at times like these.
This saying comes to mind when I think of build threads.

This is my fire, go start your own.

I am the kind I'll ask questions but if he doesn't ask for feedback I don't give it. Let's give each other that much respect. Randy was showing HIS WAY of doing HIS BEST results. It may not be the best way in some peoples eyes and if that's the case don't look. You have a comment do privately but for everyone's sake don't step in and question HIS way. Obviously his way works pretty damn well or folks wouldn't have put those saws on his bench. Let the man do his job and let him enjoy it. He's taking the time to do this thread and I'd like to see the damn thing. I respect him as a person as a builder and love seeing his work and as far as I'm concerned you're pizzin up the "communities" rope here when you throw him off.

Ok carry on.