Any man bunners heat with wood?

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Man Buns.
They strictly make me nervous.

I have this image indelibly marked into my mind, of a puritanical school teacher, woman, in a full skirt, with a slightly graying bun on her head. Her eyes are exaggerated in size, due to large drooping glasses, that it it nearly impossible to look around, to see what the actual eyes look like. Besides, nearly always, she was looking, (glaring would be more like it), and now, here is a GUY, trying to look like, or be her. This only gives indigestion. It is the rich fodder of nightmares, cold sweat, and awakening, with pounding heart, due to impending doom.
And, some guy, has become attracted to this image, and "feels more comfortable with long hair, and a bun".
Just a note of warning. The moon is uninhabitable. That's the closest place I can think of to escape this planet, and I can't afford the air, and transportation to move!
So, please. Some of us value our mental health enough to not want that image. Ever again.
Say NO to man buns. Capisce?
Some of us don't need it.
look at the 70's and 80's bands , and the man buns actually don't seem that extreme. Transgender?? drag ? They got lots of women though. The man bun stage will pass and the man bunners will have to destroy all their old photos.Screenshot_20200101-105407_Google.jpg
I did WAY more bad ass **** on my fixed gear riding breakless in the city than I will ever do with a chainsaw. Man buns are retarded tho... If you have ever headed into a red light at 20mph with no brakes making cars look stupid you know.
Road bikes go in the retard catigory w them bunns. Bikes are city ****!
Just wonder if any latte drinking,hand sanitizer , bicycle helmet types heat with wood?
I don’t get why girls think man buns are sexy.
Maybe because some women prefer emasculated men. Not trying to imply manbunners have no balls.
Maybe they are just one jump ahead of us bald guys.
look at the 70's and 80's bands , and the man buns actually don't seem that extreme. Transgender?? drag ? They got lots of women though. The man bun stage will pass and the man bunners will have to destroy all their old photos.View attachment 784533

Late 80's hair bands and early 90' buttrockers are one of my guilty pleasures. It was just a phase and the trend at the time. Hell, even one of the most bada$$ metal bands to ever come out of Texas, Pantera - went through the same phase, though luckily they grew out of it and went on to slay pits, shred, and party like as bunch of animals.

Glam Days:

Kickass Metal Era:
look at the 70's and 80's bands , and the man buns actually don't seem that extreme. Transgender?? drag ? They got lots of women though. The man bun stage will pass and the man bunners will have to destroy all their old photos.View attachment 784533

They didn't get girls because of there hair or music, groupies will follow fame and fortune just for the drugs and attention.
Trust me I ran sound for years and got no attention from the ladies, when I started playing in a band that all changed. My look didn't change, I looked the same as I did running sound. The groupies go for what ever nerd is on stage.
Typical female chasing money. Just look at the first lady...

The ironic thing was, I made 10 times more money running sound then I did playing on stage with the band.
I have seen many couples where the woman was HOT and the guy looked like a bum.
You just never know what a woman is after. I'm not a good looking man, and I am not rich. but I have dated many HOT woman. And It goes both ways, I've seen good looking men with ugly woman.
Some woman are pretty but not good looking. Some woman are good looking but not pretty. Some women are cute but not good looking. Some are all 3 good looking, pretty and cute all in one.
. Things like man buns just make me think the person with it is insecure. Trying to be on top with whats the up and coming fashion. I lcame of age through the big hair era with short hair. Survived the even worse trend of mullets without one. And man buns are even worse than mullets. I think when man bun crowd shows their kids pictures of their style 15 yrs or so down the road they will get laughed at. Or at least too embarrassed to let any see them. Just like my kids laugh at pictures of their big hair uncle today
Used to work with a guy not long ago. He did a legal name change from Anthony to Antonio and then started coming to work with a man bunn. He said the chicks dig it. Hahahahahahahhahaha :ices_rofl::laugh:
I used to gig in the city scene during the early to mid aught years and it never really aided my womanizing prowess. To pull mad tail playing in a band you not only have to dress the part, but you also have have to act like a douche. I didn't really care, I had a full time job to work in the morning, and when our set was over I just wanted a beer and load up my rig so I could be home before midnight. Ahhh.... those were the days, a foregone era...

For evert beautiful woman, there is a man who is tired of making love to her and sick of putting up with her sh!t.

I did meet my wife through the live shows, but she chased me for years until I caught her.
Used to work with a guy not long ago. He did a legal name change from Anthony to Antonio and then started coming to work with a man bunn. He said the chicks dig it. Hahahahahahahhahaha :ices_rofl::laugh:

I never was one to follow trends of any kind. I always did my own thing. I hated having long hair so I always kept mine cut short, even when I was playing in a rock band when everyone else had long hair. I still hate it when my hair touches my ears or gets in my eyes. Never did the mullet ether. I am boots, jeans, and a T shirt or button up shirt kind of guy. I never liked the cowboy hat, I'm a ball cap kind of guy. Even though I had the redneck look I had no trouble fitting with any type of crowd. In the late 60's and 70's long hair and gold chains was considered a hippy. I never wore chains or ear ring ether. That all changed in the 80's when long hair had been around for several decades. People just got use to it and a lot of rednecks were wearing long hair, or a mullet, so people stopped judging you by how long your hair was. Then the skin heads started showing up in the 90's mostly with Latino crowd at first, then the racist white guys started shaving there heads. I still rock the same look as I always have and I'm not about to change.
I used to gig in the city scene during the early to mid aught years and it never really aided my womanizing prowess. To pull mad tail playing in a band you not only have to dress the part, but you also have have to act like a douche. I didn't really care, I had a full time job to work in the morning, and when our set was over I just wanted a beer and load up my rig so I could be home before midnight. Ahhh.... those were the days, a foregone era...

For evert beautiful woman, there is a man who is tired of making love to her and sick of putting up with her sh!t.

I did meet my wife through the live shows, but she chased me for years until I caught her.

I never had a problem catching the ladies, it was the difference between chasing tail, to being chased. We always played till closing time 2:00 AM and when I ran sound, it was 4 to 5 am before I got home. When I played in the band, there was always an after party that usually went till daylight. The after party's were mostly to sober up before driving home.
If wearing zebra print spandex is wrong......I don't wanna be right.

The closest thing I ever worn made of spandex was some jock shorts that had a pad to protect the boys from getting crushed when you land on the gas tank. Nothing like taking a big jump only to come down and land on your nuts. Kinda hard to keep riding when get your nuts crushed.:dizzy:
I never had a problem catching the ladies, it was the difference between chasing tail, to being chased. We always played till closing time 2:00 AM and when I ran sound, it was 4 to 5 am before I got home. When I played in the band, there was always an after party that usually went till daylight. The after party's were mostly to sober up before driving home.

Ha ha, you humblebrag

The stupid games scene women and just scene people in general play drove me away from playing live in a band. It's just so fake. I was a prolific writer and really put out some excellent content, but the dudes who were milking the trends always got more notoriety. In the music scene, there are artists and then there are bar stars. I got so tired of the stupid sh!t and gave it up to write at home for my own pleasure.

If I were smarter I'd cash in on the self producing wave of the internet that is the standard today, but I dropped out of kindergarten because like the live music scene, there were just too many games...
I've always been told if you wanna see the insecure crowd, sit back and watch who makes fun of who. Be your own man and don't worry about what the next guy is doing. You'll be happier in the long run. Everyone has their own style and aint none of us any better than the next guy.
I wear work boots and a hat every day of my life but doesn't make me any better than the guy wearing khakis and dress shoes.