Any Mid-Westerns' runn'n E85 ethanol?

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Tree Sling'r

Addicted to ArboristSite
Jul 12, 2005
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Ft. Jones, N. Calif.
Just wondering if any of you guys in the mid-west are running E85 ethanol in your saws? I have heard a few rumors from a couple different Stihl dealers out here that that stuff is bad news on saws. Most people would be smart enough to know better - but you never know there is always a select few...
Tree Sling'r said:
Just wondering if any of you guys in the mid-west are running E85 ethanol in your saws? I have heard a few rumors from a couple different Stihl dealers out here that that stuff is bad news on saws.

There are only a few fuel stations that offer it as of yet. E-85 is a specilized fuel and as I understand it the fuel is corrosive to many materials and requires stainless steel components in the automobiles that use it.

I burn 10% blend in cars but never anything I fuel from a portable gas can. The long term storage properties of alcohol are poor.

There is an ethonol plant 20 miles from me. I bet if you knew which pipe to tap you could get some REAL good stuff to mix with your favorite tonic! :cheers:
I have not seen it offered here. When they mix winter fuel the standard ammount is 10% ethanol, E10. People are weary of it even at that percentage in 2 cycles. E85 is 85% ethanol, cars that are made purposely to run on it, atleast GM cars, are called "flexible fuel" compliant. I avoid it at 10%, definately would not run it at 85%.
You'll never even start a chainsaw on E85. It takes approximately twice as much ethanol as gasoline per unit of air to make a correct mixture.

There are a number of further problems that would prevent its use in a chainsaw even if you solved the fuel-metering issues. That's not saying its impossible, but it would be too much trouble
Just for fun I tried a 50-50 mix of E85 and regular UL in my '93 Volvo. The exhaust smelled like the breath of a cronic alky but the car ran like a top. In cold weather it blew huge clouds of steam out behind the car. Here in MO it's usually cheaper than UL premium so I would think the hot saw guys would have at least tried it but who knows.
Here in Wiskysconsin, there is a bill in our legislature that would require all gasoline sold to be blended with ethanol. It will be terrible for our chainsaws and snowmobiles. There are some new ethanol plants here.
When they mandate the new fuel up north, just get a 50 gallon barrel and drive to KY and fill it once a year for your saws. We are a good 20 years behind you progressives.
Just heard today the state senate killed the bill after the assembly passed it. it's dead for now. No trips to KY for now.