I am looking for any portable millers in the Central Florida Area.
The older man that milled for me in 2005 is now unable to mill any more- see pics.
L-R Magnolia, Hickory, has a distinct ring in the cross section, and white oak, does not.
I called another local guy in the spring, he thought he was interested in the Hickory and Basswood I had taken down, but wasn't interested after seeing it (the Basswood) at 6'8" and 40" dia. "Ya cut it too short..." See pics. Its likely going to ALL be firewood, I was doing takedowns to get to the dangerous tree over the Lounge, what did I care at the time?
Thats a 6"x6" pt square post, and a 6" round post in the pic. Nice basswood. I also have about 7' of stem still trying to grow, thats like 36" dia (to 50") and oval shaped, the tree had to come down because it had two leaders, and I just couldn't stand to let it come down on the Woodsmoke Lounge.
After Irene and the super storm we had after that- NE'er, Low pressure sitting on us, and a tropical system combining, I had a few trees blow down. And thats just on the walk back to my hunting stands....
I have at least two white oaks, A Pignut Hickory and I believe a Red Oak down. and if I go looking, I'm sure I will find more. Maybe get luicky and find a big Magnolia down. Thes are still on the stump, and I will leave them there another month or two, I will get some pics and measurements, they should still have leaves on them, in all reality.
My hammock land is Oak and Pignut Hickory, Bass Wood and Sweet Gum. Seems they are 24 to 40"on the small end and generally run 40 to 60 feet without a branch, due to the "hammock" fighting for sunlight. The Hickory does real well drying if you cut good thicknesses. I cut 5/8ths by 11 inches and had them on the bottom of the stack, and they dried pretty dang flat, some slight bow, but that was in the tree....
Don't discount the Sweet gum for general purpose lumber, either. It has a dark color to it, very grainy.
I'm never liking letting it go to termite food.
I have equpiment to handle the logs, See pics. Pedro doesn't allow logs to touch dirt. Saws to make the stumps stand back up on their own, and plenty of hands to make the lumber get stacked somewhere. I have the Woodsmoke Lounge to overnight in, Beer is on me, fuel too. Store bought food is kept to the minimum, but also on me. I typically will have Hog and possibly fresh venison. My family loves to sport eat down at the ranch...
I'd like to go halfsies beyond that.... In all reality if I had to pay dollars per board foot, I could, but don't need the lumber so much, I still have prolly 800bf from 2005. I can store and air dry about 3k under the Woodsmoke Lounge, if it makes a dif to someone who wants to do a deal. If I can do a deal, I guess I would come up with a project? I want to build a detached addiition to the Woodsmoke Lounge, but I haven't even finished trimming (such as it is) in the Woodsmoke lounge yet, but prolly will this winter season. Spring's big takedowns (16 Sweetgum and Basswood) to get to the dangerous tree has me PLENTY of firewood, so I'll have time to trim out the Lounge.
I REALLY would like to see the latest blowdowns milled, so I might be willing to deal on Halfsies.... Or, I'll make firewood, I guess.
It can't hurt to give me a PM to get my number.
The older man that milled for me in 2005 is now unable to mill any more- see pics.

L-R Magnolia, Hickory, has a distinct ring in the cross section, and white oak, does not.

I called another local guy in the spring, he thought he was interested in the Hickory and Basswood I had taken down, but wasn't interested after seeing it (the Basswood) at 6'8" and 40" dia. "Ya cut it too short..." See pics. Its likely going to ALL be firewood, I was doing takedowns to get to the dangerous tree over the Lounge, what did I care at the time?

Thats a 6"x6" pt square post, and a 6" round post in the pic. Nice basswood. I also have about 7' of stem still trying to grow, thats like 36" dia (to 50") and oval shaped, the tree had to come down because it had two leaders, and I just couldn't stand to let it come down on the Woodsmoke Lounge.
After Irene and the super storm we had after that- NE'er, Low pressure sitting on us, and a tropical system combining, I had a few trees blow down. And thats just on the walk back to my hunting stands....
I have at least two white oaks, A Pignut Hickory and I believe a Red Oak down. and if I go looking, I'm sure I will find more. Maybe get luicky and find a big Magnolia down. Thes are still on the stump, and I will leave them there another month or two, I will get some pics and measurements, they should still have leaves on them, in all reality.
My hammock land is Oak and Pignut Hickory, Bass Wood and Sweet Gum. Seems they are 24 to 40"on the small end and generally run 40 to 60 feet without a branch, due to the "hammock" fighting for sunlight. The Hickory does real well drying if you cut good thicknesses. I cut 5/8ths by 11 inches and had them on the bottom of the stack, and they dried pretty dang flat, some slight bow, but that was in the tree....
Don't discount the Sweet gum for general purpose lumber, either. It has a dark color to it, very grainy.
I'm never liking letting it go to termite food.
I have equpiment to handle the logs, See pics. Pedro doesn't allow logs to touch dirt. Saws to make the stumps stand back up on their own, and plenty of hands to make the lumber get stacked somewhere. I have the Woodsmoke Lounge to overnight in, Beer is on me, fuel too. Store bought food is kept to the minimum, but also on me. I typically will have Hog and possibly fresh venison. My family loves to sport eat down at the ranch...
I'd like to go halfsies beyond that.... In all reality if I had to pay dollars per board foot, I could, but don't need the lumber so much, I still have prolly 800bf from 2005. I can store and air dry about 3k under the Woodsmoke Lounge, if it makes a dif to someone who wants to do a deal. If I can do a deal, I guess I would come up with a project? I want to build a detached addiition to the Woodsmoke Lounge, but I haven't even finished trimming (such as it is) in the Woodsmoke lounge yet, but prolly will this winter season. Spring's big takedowns (16 Sweetgum and Basswood) to get to the dangerous tree has me PLENTY of firewood, so I'll have time to trim out the Lounge.
I REALLY would like to see the latest blowdowns milled, so I might be willing to deal on Halfsies.... Or, I'll make firewood, I guess.
It can't hurt to give me a PM to get my number.