It's terribly frustrating trying to speak to people who can't hear. My wife has impaired hearing (not from chainsaws) and she is difficult to communicate with at times..My hearing right now is excellent except I understand I hear noises that aren't there. I was wondering why we have so many crickets around here!Hearing loss is something you should take very seriously. Your hearing only ever gets worse.
I've heard some people say its worse than going blind because you cant communicate with people. I wouldn't like to find out either way. Always wear hearing protection you'll never regret it.
Yes sir. Ears ring every day. Makes going to sleep hard and it makes it hard to hear the faint noise of a whitetail feeding through a woods as I'm sitting in a lawnchair strapped to an oak tree 20 foot up in the ait holding a stick and string.
I have severe tinnitus. I'm sure mine originated from mowing and trimming lawns from 13-18. At one time we did 21 residential lawns and probably 10 commercial lawns.
Then when I was 40, I got Meniers Disease. I've lost almost all hearing in my left ear and it was replaced with super loud tinnitus. I've grown used to it, but to give someone else my hearing would probably drive them insane. It's LOUD!
?? shut them off or just let them idle till there empty ?? 1 ringy-ringy, 2 ringy-ringy, .......I don't have ringing in my ears I hear saws running wide open. It happens to me this time of year when we are busy and I'm running them 8-10 hours a day... I wear ear protection, but I hear saws running. What should I do?