It can get well below zero here too, we keep on going, year round. I stop when it rains, over 25mph wind, and snow storms. Yesterday, I was up a dead boxelder, all of a sudden we get this massive wind/blizzard. Out of no where we get this massive snow storm, snow was blowing so hard it was sideways. I was on a 7-8" leader, the wind was strong enough to push me 4-5' to the side. All could think about was this thing snapping off below me. I rode it out for about 5 minutes, then it was gone! A few people knew what I was doing and after it was over, my phone went berserk "where you up in a tree during that!!!"
The road conditions can keep me in as well, our city's cans drop the ball pretty fast around here. Weather maybe good, but roads will be covered and no plow trucks in site.