Filing crosscut saws must take a lot of patience, oh yeah that's a word in which I lack, patience.
Filing crosscut saws must take a lot of patience, oh yeah that's a word in which I lack, patience.
That was me Mike, Walt came slightly behind Dennis Cahoon.Hey talk about trolling for chain John. Aren't you the guy that had Gayler and Martin send you chains to "test"??????
all i want to know is when can i start my career with this industry? Im 16 and live in Oklahoma.
Bump for the new kids 'round here. A great read on the ways of Art Martin...
Thats a lot of reading Gary, but Ill get started, this may top any of the other junk on here lately
Thats a lot of reading Gary, but Ill get started, this may top any of the other junk on here lately