I have an ash pan too, and the ash goes to the garden, but the pan is small, have to empty it once a day when burning 24/7, its easier to just leave the bucket outside the door and dump the pan in there...only have to empty the bucket once every 3 weeks to a month...My stove has a pan and goes straight outside to the garden about 30 ft from the door. Only time its a pain is when snow drifts knee high..
Wish I could find an old one like that. The one I have is showing rust already and I just bought it last year.10 gallon galv. with lid also...mines around 30 years old, my dad had it when he burned in his old house, I got it when I started burning about 6 years ago, it looks just like the new ones sold today but much heavier material...
Me, too. Last year, early Deecember, I got an email from them offering a free month. I grabbed it and saved something like $300 in Christmas shopping. They got me on the hook, though, but for the $99 yearly, I get hundreds of dollars of free 2-day shipping. It's a great deal for me as I live in a rural area and have to order stuff through mail anyway.I really like Amazing Prime...!
For my OWB I use a wheelbarrow. Once a month or two I empty it out onto the garden and then till it under in the spring.
You guys are great! 40 minutes later I get so many responses and thanks to Amazon prime I have my Behrens 6 gallon coming Thurs!
I got the 6 gallon Behrens pail delivered earlier this week and am overall impressed with it. $17 shipped. Everything looks well made, seams appear solid, lid fits tight and the handle locks it in place very tight, welds look good, doesn't seem cheap or flimsy. The body of it tapers up more than the pictures show which makes it easier to shovel the ashes in. It's about 5" wider at the mouth than a standard 5 gallon pail. It's not heavy gauge metal but it's not aluminum foil either and overall, thicker than what I was expecting to get. Time will tell how it works out, but for now, I consider it money well spent, and from my first impressions and first few uses of it, I would gladly buy another one.