Dang, Guy, when are you gonna get off of this fricken dont cut down trees kick? As arborists thats our job 50% of the time. Get off your soap box and quit preaching. If I get banned for saying that then so be it, Im just tired of hearing the tree hugger crap.
{i hopefully, safely choose this quote as not this specific person's, but what be going thru a few minds in some form or another. Waht i may have thought of similar words, not all to long ago}
i guess the internal conflict makes such words necessary. Trying to be a good person, trying to take more and more care, and hearing haunting echoes that maybe we all been trying real hard and missing the target, and all else is a lil'disgruntling.
It seems hard to listen to. Tossing it all away, even if it might be true, is kinda self protecting in a way, but also taking the easy way out. Not standing toe to toe in the tumble with the ideas, to see where they come out, right or wrong, jsut see it the way it is. i've learned a lot here from dang Mike, JP, Tom now Guy etc. hitting it hard. i guess i've stepped thru some of the stages of denial /change from it; so i have been there at different stages with it, as i imagine those mentioned and others know and see the same things to a certain extent as the some of the expected reactions come.
Harder still i think is to listen, not walk away from what you are doing, maintaining your place, to be the one that can alert and mediate 'damage' to do what you can. To do what you have to, change some of the requests, and walk from some etc. Sometimes i have felt the conflict in what i was doing and looked at it as i was the
"Sin Eater" (Night Gallery) and so took the 'wrongs' on myself, for i was the one that knew better; and so became more serious about it.
That, i think is a lot tougher, yet 'realler'; to walk with the truth and obvious proof; yet carry on buisness when ya had to; til ya couldn't take it and turn some jobs down. This puts you in the voting, maintains me in the position to do good/right when possible, when allowed the oppurtunity. Maybe softly that too will fade. In my Eviler than Tom Daze; as i was 'losing my spurs' and going more 'barefoot'. When i was wearing them here and there, i knew, and kinda apologized to the tree as i did. i've come a long way since then, nothing overnight; and still see more things to understand.
Or something like that