AA actually posted a video of the accident. It doesn't show the saw hitting his leg but he includes very graphic footage. Basically the calf is cut open from knee to ankle. One handing IMO.
Blue spruce a mile off......They might get more responses if they didn't call it a pine...since it isn't.
If I didn't have enough myself I might jump on that. Lots of gardeners would use that in the garden for compost wants it breaks down. That's a good deal considering compost is 30 bucks a yardFree stump grindings.
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Hmm...the questions beckons: Would 35 foot of Apple wood be worth the 60 ft of "double trunk Cottonwood?"
Ya know VA...the funny & funky thing about cottonwood is that is just "looks so darn burn worthy"...Think of all the GREAT firewood in that double trunk Cottonwood!