We're not sure. If he's leading by example I hope nobody follows him.I've just watched it. What gets me is the way the father keeps going on about the importance of doing things the 'right way'. What could he possibly be referring to?!
We're not sure. If he's leading by example I hope nobody follows him.I've just watched it. What gets me is the way the father keeps going on about the importance of doing things the 'right way'. What could he possibly be referring to?!
I've heard he's a good hand also. Most probably are it's just for the show but I wouldn't want that kind of cap on my reputation.
The whole thing was boringly efficient and nothing like the show at all.
Honestly that's what making a TV show about any job would be like. Boringly efficient unless something goes wrong. I'm a driller and blaster and our job is fun but would make horrible TV, unless something goes wrong. That's what drives me crazy about axe men, they make sh#% crazy for entertainment and then people get the impression that's the way it is all the time. If they did that for blasting we would never get a job again because people would freak the f$&@ out.That is what I tell people when they ask me about the show. I've never seen it. Boringly efficient production is what it should be. The excitement comes when something has gone wrong. No room for day dreaming by any means, but the blood pumping stuff most always could've, should've been avoided. They look at ya like where have you been, no way is that what really happens in the woods, haven't you seen TV. Sometimes it would be nice if the rest of the world had half a clue.
They didn't say much except to ask when lunch was being brought in...it wasn't...and to ask where the porta potties were...there weren't any
LOL -- I was drinking a coke and blew some out my nose.....
gologit, ? if we could only believe you and your statement.. we all really watch "AXE MEN", so we really know how it's done in the real hollywierd world! sometimes we like to fantasize the logging trade to be what we want it to be but alas it is what it is to them in hollywierd..... if you know what I mean.... lol
!! piece of cake....Okay, here's a concept reality show that you might consider: Naked Loggers. Participants get dropped off on a remote Aleutian island with just a fueled chainsaw. You got to hike in three miles pulling a 3/4" choker, top a spar tree, build a one room log cabin and an outhouse, cut firewood for a continuous fire, skin a Kodiak (extra daily points if you wear it), after 20 days hike out 5 miles and built a log raft to pole/paddle back to a waiting crab boat. Oh, I forgot, you also have to secure all your permits 20 minutes before embarking. Ron