We rake, then blow the fines. When you're raking, start at the back and work your way to the truck. Don't make little piles as you end up reraking areas. Rake in a way that when you're done, you don't have to rake that area again. When you get a bit of a pile of rakings, move to the truck with either a tarp or bucket.
If your groundies are standing around waiting for things to happen, have them do a coarse raking so there is less material to clean up. Better than having them stand there looking at their phones.
You can control material with a blower. If you watch how material moves, it moves in a fan shape. So start at one back corner and move your blower towards the centre. When you get the material to the centre, go to the other back corner and work back to the centre. If you advance in that pattern you have a very good control of material with the blower. Just don't to try and move too much material with it.