SpongeBob Fap Pants
I am the son of a reletivley successful tree biz owner. Pop's was 51 when he had me and i was raised on the tree site. We did work for several townships, citys, and even the great (haha)state of illinois. We did so much landclearing and highway widening projects that i never even relized that people climbed trees till i was about 13 and saw a smaller co. doing it. i graduated high school and went right to work for a man who had worked and recieved his training from my old man and then went out on his own. He turnd out to be a slight j@c#*zz but at least he could rip a tree apart at break neck speed. problem with this guy, how many of you seen the guy who would rather scream at the top of his lungs about how your doing it wrong rather than calmly tell you how he wants you to do it? By the way, my old man retired when i was in 7th grade so i never had any real training b4 the screamer. i left him after a year cuz he wouldnt let me do any climbing/wouldnt teach me anything, basically just wanted a $7hr brush dragger(hey this was 99 so 7 was better than the 5 micky d's was offering). Went to work for a Davey/Asplunld vet who was a total drunk. Paid way better. However was a whole new world of B-S to deal with. Boy, drunks are fun! I cant count how many calls i got on monday morning saying,"i had way too much last nite so were not working today". All i could think was why cant me and bri go out without you? we get more done when your not there. At least they tought me how to climb a little and proper trimming. went back to the screamer for one more year after that cuz the drunk was a firm believer that wheelbarrows and hand loading firewood length chunks were just as profitable as a real log cart and a prentice grapple. worked for J.B. the yell yell for the rest of 01 cuz now i knew a little sum-sumtin! i wasnt lil "b" boy no mo! at 19 i was runnin a crew but somehow screamy would show up right when things was good and make em bad again. after that ran my own from 02-05. What a change that was. Had never ran a whip-R-Chipper b4. was all we could afford. Call me crazy but i still love em to this day! theres just somtin bout watchin dat stuff dissapear so quick! slowly i was able to climb the ladder. then my partner pointed out to me that we wernt makin enough $. he had a couple o kids and another on the way. there goes my salesman and #cruncher. At this point all i am is a helluva good(decent)climber/bucket oper. i felt betrayed. so i went to the one guy that p-o-ed my salesmen the most. the guy that when everyone else was at $1500-1850, this guy was at 900-1250. i was still young and dumb enough to think he was that low for a real good reason. turns out he hires me cuz the aerial guy hes has a serious junk habit and has been "borrowing his saws" for "side jobs" too bad those saws never came back. wish i knew what pawn shop he went to. coulda got some nice deals. any way, i couldnt help but wonder why he would let this trash work for him. Found out soon enough. Most dangerous guy around. nobody that knew him would work with him. Some even aledge that his last boss died when the bucket broke cuz he got it caught on a limb the nite b4.All i got to say about that is maybe you shouldnt b running a 1966 strat-o-tower. any way ill let this go for now pick it up later for those who want more details. by the way , anyone north/northwest of chicago/south/southwest of milwaukee need any part time help. i can bring a bobcat mt52, a GRCS, +i own over 20 saws from a echo3000 n several ms200t's all the way up to a husky 3120. my favs the husky 372xp i got 4 of em but i like the 1 i got b4 the epa steped on there b*lls ... wow what a rant . obviously im lookin for a new job
I am the son of a reletivley successful tree biz owner. Pop's was 51 when he had me and i was raised on the tree site. We did work for several townships, citys, and even the great (haha)state of illinois. We did so much landclearing and highway widening projects that i never even relized that people climbed trees till i was about 13 and saw a smaller co. doing it. i graduated high school and went right to work for a man who had worked and recieved his training from my old man and then went out on his own. He turnd out to be a slight j@c#*zz but at least he could rip a tree apart at break neck speed. problem with this guy, how many of you seen the guy who would rather scream at the top of his lungs about how your doing it wrong rather than calmly tell you how he wants you to do it? By the way, my old man retired when i was in 7th grade so i never had any real training b4 the screamer. i left him after a year cuz he wouldnt let me do any climbing/wouldnt teach me anything, basically just wanted a $7hr brush dragger(hey this was 99 so 7 was better than the 5 micky d's was offering). Went to work for a Davey/Asplunld vet who was a total drunk. Paid way better. However was a whole new world of B-S to deal with. Boy, drunks are fun! I cant count how many calls i got on monday morning saying,"i had way too much last nite so were not working today". All i could think was why cant me and bri go out without you? we get more done when your not there. At least they tought me how to climb a little and proper trimming. went back to the screamer for one more year after that cuz the drunk was a firm believer that wheelbarrows and hand loading firewood length chunks were just as profitable as a real log cart and a prentice grapple. worked for J.B. the yell yell for the rest of 01 cuz now i knew a little sum-sumtin! i wasnt lil "b" boy no mo! at 19 i was runnin a crew but somehow screamy would show up right when things was good and make em bad again. after that ran my own from 02-05. What a change that was. Had never ran a whip-R-Chipper b4. was all we could afford. Call me crazy but i still love em to this day! theres just somtin bout watchin dat stuff dissapear so quick! slowly i was able to climb the ladder. then my partner pointed out to me that we wernt makin enough $. he had a couple o kids and another on the way. there goes my salesman and #cruncher. At this point all i am is a helluva good(decent)climber/bucket oper. i felt betrayed. so i went to the one guy that p-o-ed my salesmen the most. the guy that when everyone else was at $1500-1850, this guy was at 900-1250. i was still young and dumb enough to think he was that low for a real good reason. turns out he hires me cuz the aerial guy hes has a serious junk habit and has been "borrowing his saws" for "side jobs" too bad those saws never came back. wish i knew what pawn shop he went to. coulda got some nice deals. any way, i couldnt help but wonder why he would let this trash work for him. Found out soon enough. Most dangerous guy around. nobody that knew him would work with him. Some even aledge that his last boss died when the bucket broke cuz he got it caught on a limb the nite b4.All i got to say about that is maybe you shouldnt b running a 1966 strat-o-tower. any way ill let this go for now pick it up later for those who want more details. by the way , anyone north/northwest of chicago/south/southwest of milwaukee need any part time help. i can bring a bobcat mt52, a GRCS, +i own over 20 saws from a echo3000 n several ms200t's all the way up to a husky 3120. my favs the husky 372xp i got 4 of em but i like the 1 i got b4 the epa steped on there b*lls ... wow what a rant . obviously im lookin for a new job