Let me set a few things straight right here, right now. I have never denied where I learned what I do. I have always given credit to RS for a lot of it.
Yes, I can see where some of them could have been upset at first. But given the truth that my sponsorship here at AS was something that simply happened, and not by design, that should have changed. Instead it was nothing more than a mob mentally that canabalized one of their own. Cold blooded lies were spread behind my back for the single purpose of tearing me down. And you wonder why I have the attitude I do about RS?
Do you really think I'm trying to compare my saw building knowledge to EC? I thought I made that clear a few posts ago. I don't know a fraction about saws as what he does. But what I do know is that my 346 and 260 are on the same level as the 5100 he built. I happen to know for a fact that the chain used at the GTG a couple weeks ago was good for an additional 20% over one of my chains. Take 20% off my cut times and lets see who the winner was! But come on! This isn't all about having the fastest saws. I'd rather loose every race I'm in from here on out than for people to think that's all that matters to me. I'd much rather loose to Gink and have a good time doing it, than to loose him as a friend. I don't care what it took for him to beat me. That's fine. I expect that. It's part of racing. And then the rumors of RS member/owners offering to build and sell saws and chains to AS members simply so they can come to our GTGs and beat me? Come on! Is that really all there is to their lives? That is so petty!
There were only two main individuals that stood out as major contributors to my builds at RS. And guess what. They're still my friends. Those two individuals are Timberwolf and Dean. It matters not what you think of Dean, he offered a lot of help. And what I do today is greatly a result of what I learned from those two gentlemen. Most of those guys that hung me out to dry offered very little help and information, yet they're the ones so bent out of shape about it. That says a whole lot right there! And you don't know the whole story with Brian and myself either. Out of respect for Brian I'll not go into details, but let's just suffice it to say that there are no hard feelings. Bottom line, he chose to quit believeing the lies that were being told about me. The rest of the guys did not. Andrew, you have that same choice. You can continue to be influence by the sour attitudes over there, or you can choose to believe the truth.
I had problems at RS because the site owner didn't like me bringing that knowledge back over here. Plain and simple. Either that or he didn't like it when my 260 beat his 5100 in front of his buddies. It's not my fault all the traffic is here and not there. I'm going to hang out where the activity is. He had these dillusions of persecution that I was gathering knowledge at RS and bringing it back over here to make money. THAT IS NOT TRUE!!! Get that through your heads guys. It is not true!
You want to know why I'm porting saws for you guys today? It's because you asked for it until I gave in and started doing it. I said for a LONG time I would not do it. I didn't want the hassles and responsibility. Finally after a lot of requests, I decided to start. It was never a planned situation. It just happened through the developement of a hobby. If you choose to believe differently, then you can live in your world of lies.
Why did I get the attention and publicity I do here? It's real simple. I'm an extravert. I like to talk. I like to share. I post a lot. Consequently, a lot of people see my work. My reputation is built on the work I do, and hopefully, what I stand for. I'm not on some agenda to get all this attention. I'm honored when one of you guys asks me to work on you saws. You guys send me >$1000 brand new saws! I don't take that lightly. And just for the record, I'll add that I've not had one come back. Oh, sure, sooner or latter that liable to happen. But if my work wasn't up to snuff, that wouldn't be the case.
So Andrew, once again, the choice is yours. Believe the same old sour apples, or believe the truth.
Ha, Brad, calm down. I just gave ya my opinion on the situation. I'm not here to tear ya down or anything, just let ya know what I think. Just take it with a grain of salt. No need to give a long winded response defending yourself. I wasn't accusing you of anything! Just stating my opinion. I'm my own man and make decisions how I see it. I can't stress that enough. I'm not biased to either site!
I'm going to friendly disagree with ya on your 346 and 260 being on the same level as the 5100. That 5100 is even better as a work saw. Again, just my opinion! I never said anything about being the fastest! I personally find GTG racing to hold little weight in judging a saw. Too many different variables come into play. That is why I hate seeing everybody putting so much on the numbers.
I know your story why you started porting saws for work and I don't doubt that a bit. I also know why you have such a following. You have a crazy good drive and energy that just draws people to your thread. The pictures don't hurt either.

So Brad, please don't take my posts as an attack or anything like that. I tried to say that in the beginning, that my posts are my opinion. As you can see, I don't sugar coat stuff. If I was attacking you, I would make that clear. But that is not what I going for. You asked people for their opinion, and my post reflects my feelings on the situation. I'm not a puppet for anybody else!