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Quote:7900 w/busted crankshaft?

Originally Posted by blsnelling
Then you for sure have a busted crank or rod. If the piston pin bosses were busted out of the piston, I'd think you'd know that looking through the exhaust. I don't think the skirt would be intact. My guess would be on the rod, which of course means a new crank.

Go to that thread and tell me where your post is that was quoted?:deadhorse:

I was wrong. Plain and simple. If you're expecting perfection, then you need to look elsewhere than the human race. I believe if you'll go back to that thread and put that post in context you'll find that I said as much. NEXT!!!
It's called defending ones self. Duhhh! BTW, you haven't presented one piece of evidence to support your claims. Your accusations and defense are simply regurgitated lies picked up from RS. No logic to them what so ever. You're simply looking to tear someone down and don't have a leg to stand on. You ignore the truth, deny the facts, and simply sling mud with nothing to support your claims. Now why don't you go back over there where you can fit in.

This is probably the only thing I will have to say on this matter...

I know maldeney very well...In fact we are great friends and have been for many years, I was his best man in his wedding... I'm sure you all get the picture now.

With that said RS has nothing to do with this matter at all, I'm not sure he has even posted over there... I know Maldeney very well and he is speaking for what he believes... No one is prompting him to say what he is saying. Not me not anyone. I think there is a little paranoia with you and RS and if someone says someting negative about your saws or you then they are a troll from RS. This is not the case at all here if you want to believe it or not.

Brad you do come off cocky at the GTG's, wether you mean to or not it is your vibe you put out... I'm not the only one that has expressed that and probably not many will come out in a public forum and say that but I've heard it more than once.

Next thing, I do think you are hyped up a little, that may not be all your fault you are in the open all the time..You get a lot of exposure in the public forum here. Your posting average has to be 40-50 posts a day...Thats a lot of exposure.

I think you are still in your learning process of building a great saw, I'm sure you will get there I do not believe you are at that point right now. Thats my honest opinion I hope it doesn't get blown out of porportion. With all that said I do not think you are a horrible person or hate you or wish you bad luck....Well....But only in the races that I'm in though:)
This is probably the only thing I will have to say on this matter...

I know maldeney very well...In fact we are great friends and have been for many years, I was his best man in his wedding... I'm sure you all get the picture now.

With that said RS has nothing to do with this matter at all, I'm not sure he has even posted over there... I know Maldeney very well and he is speaking for what he believes... No one is prompting him to say what he is saying. Not me not anyone. I think there is a little paranoia with you and RS and if someone says someting negative about your saws or you then they are a troll from RS. This is not the case at all here if you want to believe it or not.

Brad you do come off cocky at the GTG's, wether you mean to or not it is your vibe you put out... I'm not the only one that has expressed that and probably not many will come out in a public forum and say that but I've heard it more than once.

Next thing, I do think you are hyped up a little, that may not be all your fault you are in the open all the time..You get a lot of exposure in the public forum here. Your posting average has to be 40-50 posts a day...Thats a lot of exposure.

I think you are still in your learning process of building a great saw, I'm sure you will get there I do not believe you are at that point right now. Thats my honest opinion I hope it doesn't get blown out of porportion. With all that said I do not think you are a horrible person or hate you or wish you bad luck....Well....But only in the races that I'm in though:)

Well written and fairly said. I will take it to heart. Perhaps I am a bit paranoid about RS, but I think you would be too if they did you like they did me. I'll try to let that die, but it's difficult to say the lease. Thanks Gink.
If I come across arrogant at GTGs, for that I appologize. Some of the attention I can get at a GTG is embarrassing, and I've addressed that. And I'm not talking about people just being friendly. Please don't stop that.

I also have quite a few personal friends at GTGs. You will hear us harrassing each other. I'm going to talk trash, and I expect it back. That could be misinterpretted.

I also don't expect my saws to always be the fastest. But I sure am going to challenge you to try me. That will sound arrogant if you don't know me. I honestly don't mind being beat, not that I want to loose. I just enjoy the racing.

Another thing, I'm an extravert. I talk a lot. I post a lot. Do I enjoy some of the attention? Well of course. But certainly don't want to let that go to my head, and certainly don't want to appear as arrogant. Confident? Yes. Cocky? Maybe a little. Arrogant? No.

Again, I've never claimed to build the fastest or best saws. But I will defend that I do have saws that run with or close to Copesey and EHP woods ported saws. I think that speaks for something. Now the race saws those boys can build are a whole other ballgame. I have no idea about that stuff. I have no dillusions that I can build something to compete with that, and have never tried.

Again Gink, I appreciate your feedback and do take it to heart. Some of the above may sound like I'm ignoring you. I'm not. Just trying to explain, and/or thinking outloud.
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I see a lot of you guys hanging out at the bottom of the page. Speak up and say what's on your mind.
I am hanging out but have know idea what some are talking about. It's like a car chrash on the Hi Way you just have to look! lol.
I personally like the info you share, I have to admit though my 2159 is built from reading TW posts lol But that's going back a few years. It does not matter where on the Internet you go someone will take a shot at you nature of the beast. Most would never do it in person tells ya something. Everyone has an opinion like me or you.
Who cares just keep posting and showing your work.
I have to admit though my 2159 is built from reading TW posts...

Since you brought up his name, I'll add right now that Brian is a stand up gentleman. He rose above the fray over there and is the real deal. I appreciate people like that! I try to give credit where credit is due, and I've probably learned as much, or more, from Brian than anyone else. Period.
Okay so I am just gonna lay it out on the line because I really don't care.....

I have been to a couple GTG's that you have been too and never have seen anything to impress me.... I honestly think your arrogance just flat out floods out anything that may.

I watch you tweak and tweak all day and then come race time..... unimpressed... especially looking at the times from the last GTG. Now I myself am not a saw builder and you by far have more knowledge than I likely will ever have.... just to stop that rebutle before it starts....

If I did however... I certainly would not stand on a box and blame a chain for taken an a%& whoopin' I would shut up and say good job... guess I need to go back to the drawing board.

I beleive you are placed upon a podium on the site because of your exposure and not because of your work.... ports or anything other you have done. It drove it home when your recent muffler mod was posted and you were lifted upon shoulders to be praised for how good it looked and the great job you did. You bought the parts cut a hole and "tech" screwed the thing on.... WOW!

Okay that is it for me. It is my opinion....:chainsaw:

My original post..... Sounds a little more POINTED than Gink but mostly the same... Funny. Again I never claimed to be a builder, or know how to build a woodsported saw or otherwise... I did however claim an opinion about your arrogance forshadowing your ability. When you stand on a soap box claiming and or stating something then you :censored: well better live up to it or pepare to take a little heat for the short coming..... If you can't take the heat then get out of the fire....

Again my opinion was and still is that your "work" is not all it's "repped" up to be.....

And for you to neg me was kinda childish don't you think Brad I mean this was our arguement right..... I mean it's bad enough you broke up with me and then started string me along again after that but to Neg me....... My heart just can't take much more.:chainsaw:
My original post..... Sounds a little more POINTED than Gink but mostly the same... Funny. Again I never claimed to be a builder, or know how to build a woodsported saw or otherwise... I did however claim an opinion about your arrogance forshadowing your ability. When you stand on a soap box claiming and or stating something then you :censored: well better live up to it or pepare to take a little heat for the short coming..... If you can't take the heat then get out of the fire....

Again my opinion was and still is that your "work" is not all it's "repped" up to be.....

And for you to neg me was kinda childish don't you think Brad I mean this was our arguement right..... I mean it's bad enough you broke up with me and then started string me along again after that but to Neg me....... My heart just can't take much more.:chainsaw:

How you say something says a whole lot in and of itself. Yes, it was a little childish to neg rep you. But it felt kinda good:) The whold rep thing is silly to begin with.
Since you brought up his name, I'll add right now that Brian is a stand up gentleman. He rose above the fray over there and is the real deal. I appreciate people like that! I try to give credit where credit is due, and I've probably learned as much, or more, from Brian than anyone else. Period.
I don't even know where, there is lol! I like your post's is all I can say Canadians as a group are not anal and like to get along with everyone.He sure get's technical in his posts way over my head! TW, you, the Champ, lake all have great post's on here can't everyone get along.Love to read about the big old saw's too Hoss comes to mind and many others.
I will never understand all the back stabbing. Many on here are like teenage girls!Just don't let it bother you!
And like I said keep the posts coming!
I don't think I have gone too far, and I not angry at all. this doesn't all stem from Frank and Brad's race either. It is the entire histroy that I have seen of Brad's posts and of him.

I just feel he over play's what he does or is capable of doing. Just my opinion. :chainsaw:

You haven't even been here a year? Where is "history" coming from. I never seen brad bragging.

You have nothing better to do then piss people off. I think its funny/ sad...
So I guess that... what makes me less than a year old?

What does that have to do with how I view what the guy says or does... :dizzy:
I am hanging out but have know idea what some are talking about. It's like a car chrash on the Hi Way you just have to look! lol.
I personally like the info you share, I have to admit though my 2159 is built from reading TW posts lol But that's going back a few years. It does not matter where on the Internet you go someone will take a shot at you nature of the beast. Most would never do it in person tells ya something. Everyone has an opinion like me or you.
Who cares just keep posting and showing your work.

I don't know what this is about either, but it looks like a good time to thank Brad for the excellent saw rebuilding posts and pictures. Recently I resurected an old 066 with bad crank bearings. Had never split the case or did anything other than the top end before. By following saveral of your old rebuilding threads its was fairly easy and runs great now. I would never have tried to tackle it without those threads.

I don't know or care anything about racing, but it is obvious in your posts and pictures that you do above average work and are willing to show others how to. Thanks for that.
So I guess that... what makes me less than a year old?

What does that have to do with how I view what the guy says or does... :dizzy:

I'm not getting involved disregard my last post.

All i will say is brad has helped me and many others countless times and I appreciate it and never said anything to make me look or feel stupid.
I don't know what this is about either, but it looks like a good time to thank Brad for the excellent saw rebuilding posts and pictures. Recently I resurected an old 066 with bad crank bearings. Had never split the case or did anything other than the top end before. By following saveral of your old rebuilding threads its was fairly easy and runs great now. I would never have tried to tackle it without those threads.

I don't know or care anything about racing, but it is obvious in your posts and pictures that you do above average work and are willing to show others how to. Thanks for that.
+1 some rep coming your way! I just like to read about saw's And so many that post on here share so much info!
I am lucky I have never had a saw blow up or need more than a carb kit.
But then I am not running a Stihl had to get my cheap all in good fun poke in!
But the site and the guy's and girls that post are a great leaning tool you never stop learning!
The info I learned here has helped me help friends too with saw's that I do not have any exp with. Someone always knows a part or a fix for a problem.
And for you to neg me was kinda childish don't you think Brad I mean this was our arguement right..... I mean it's bad enough you broke up with me and then started string me along again after that but to Neg me....... My heart just can't take much more.:chainsaw:

If this was just your's and Brad's arguement, why did you post it for everybody to read.....this should have been kept between you two through PM' would have saved some respect for some here....just my .02.

So what we are saying is.... So long as there are no contradictions then all is well and it must be Gospel? :jawdrop: Interesting concept... I guess Socialism is closer than we all thought.

I guess I am back to the Popcorn Theory.:popcorn:
So what we are saying is.... So long as there are no contradictions then all is well and it must be Gospel? :jawdrop: Interesting concept... I guess Socialism is closer than we all thought.

I guess I am back to the Popcorn Theory.:popcorn:

What some are saying, you're showing your ass. No clue how Brad acts in person, I've only dealt with him on this board and via Pm's/E-mails/Phone calls. His willingness to share his knowledge is comendable...

From what I've seen are several ex-posters to this site are gone, because others want to call into question every nuance and debate what the meaning of is, is, to the point they become frustrated and move along.

Haven't had the pleasure of remembering any of your posts prior to this thread, I am aware of many of Brad's.

Your backhanded insult with regards to Socialism was childish.

I've yet to figure out exactly what your issue is, other than a perceived arrogance on Brad's part. Perhaps you should start up a new thread where this conversation could be the main topic and not derail a thread, detailing information, many, appear to be interested in...the #### waggling stuff doesn't belong in these types of threads.
What some are saying, you're showing your ass. No clue how Brad acts in person, I've only dealt with him on this board and via Pm's/E-mails/Phone calls. His willingness to share his knowledge is comendable...

From what I've seen are several ex-posters to this site are gone, because others want to call into question every nuance and debate what the meaning of is, is, to the point they become frustrated and move along.

Haven't had the pleasure of remembering any of your posts prior to this thread, I am aware of many of Brad's.

Your backhanded insult with regards to Socialism was childish.

I've yet to figure out exactly what your issue is, other than a perceived arrogance on Brad's part. Perhaps you should start up a new thread where this conversation could be the main topic and not derail a thread, detailing information, many, appear to be interested in...the #### waggling stuff doesn't belong in these types of threads.

You probably wouldn't remember any of my posts because I am not in the "lime light" so to speak. My INSULT to socialism? Are you a socialist? Oh wait sorry that is a different FORUM. If you feel I am showing my ass... Then fine but it is still my opinion and I WILL voice it when I feel I want to. Besides this off topic discussion started before I joined the thread....

Think what you want say what you want because I know I will.:chainsaw:
You probably wouldn't remember any of my posts because I am not in the "lime light" so to speak. My INSULT to socialism? Are you a socialist? Oh wait sorry that is a different FORUM. If you feel I am showing my ass... Then fine but it is still my opinion and I WILL voice it when I feel I want to. Besides this off topic discussion started before I joined the thread....

Think what you want say what you want because I know I will.:chainsaw:

No worries, I'm all for saying what ya think...hell I live in New Jersey, trust me no one softens things up around here. You are however, showing your ass, with the style. If it was your and Brads argument, Pm's would have been fine.

I could be wrong, but it appears instead you wanted to shame him publicly via old arguments with regards to another board. Fairly certain had you not brought about the same Ole tired arguments from that site, Brads reaction could have been different. When I seen your original comments, my thoughts were exactly the same as the direction he went...a troll from over there.

Appears that is not the case, and I'm glad I didn't comment earlier (would have been my ass showing, again).

BTW, most of the posts I remember and have saved are from non-limelighted members...just those with alot of knowledge in a particular area (example Welding (great thread with Evan and others sharing info)). So yes I'm surprised I do not recall some of your other posts.

My comment regarding the backhanded statement with Socialism, has to do with your inferring the Lemming effect. Not exactly what occures around here.
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