Ban Me (I've burned propane! LOL.)

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Moss Man

Addicted to ArboristSite
Aug 16, 2008
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Just Northeast of the Northeast
I will never admit to it under oath, but today I sinned and turned the propane heater on.

It is nearly 1pm here and the temp is 5 above, the sun hasn't shown it's face for several days and it is snowy and windy. We have a passive solar house of sorts and the glass area makes it a bit chilly after several days of no sun. I have been meaning to put insulated shutters on the bigger windows, but that involves cash which we have very little of this winter. The Alpiner(Canadian Woodstove) is working its ass off in the basement, but while it is cozy down there...the upstairs is cooler than what we consider comfortable.

Our goal was to not turn that blasted propane heater on, but 21 days into December I had to do it.:cry:

Ban me now.
Don't're not alone

We have a very open floor plan with a wall of large windows that face south but when we don't get sun and the temps head towards single digits the woodstove fights a losing battle. It kills me to turn the heat on but it seems like if I give it a short shot the woodstove keeps up for the rest of the day. Making plans to install a wood furnace next year and kick the habit completely.
I am fine with having ny oil furnace run once in a while. Its very windy here today and my drafty house is chilly. Go a hot fire but furnace still cycles every so often. :)
I'm still holding out without turning on the propane, was down to -26C last night, 15C or about 60F in the house 6am. I had to let the fire burn down to take ashes out. Little wood stove is good down to -20 but goes below that with any wind and it does not keep up.
I am fine with having ny oil furnace run once in a while. Its very windy here today and my drafty house is chilly. Go a hot fire but furnace still cycles every so often. :)

Same here. Don't feel too bad Moss, I've been using my cookstove exclusively. I do throw a few chunks of lump coal in at night but usually, by 2am or so the oil burner kicks on for the steam radiators till maybe 5-6am till I'm up and firing the stoves again. It's mostly for my Mum who has a downstairs bedroom with us, too stay warm. Next year though, I'm gonna install a soapstone heater stove for a 24/7 burn. Then the boiler will only be for times when I'm away.

PS: blizzard coming! Foot or so of snow called for.
I wished I had turned on the furnace last night. It was pretty miserable standing in front of the boiler last night with the wind howling snow everywhere as I threw wood in. Unfortunately I don't have antifreeze in the boiler so I have to keep it running no matter what the conditions are.:cry:
I'm still holding out without turning on the propane, was down to -26C last night, 15C or about 60F in the house 6am. I had to let the fire burn down to take ashes out. Little wood stove is good down to -20 but goes below that with any wind and it does not keep up.

You must be in Northern ON.

I am in South/Central ON and last night at last check of the Therm it had just hit -20C at about 10:00pm. Our fire had been out for about 3 days as we had been out and about and couldn't fire sit and the ashes needed to go. So last night the gas furnace ran non stop almost.

The fire is back on a blazin and the furnace is gettin a rest.
Same here. Don't feel too bad Moss, I've been using my cookstove exclusively. I do throw a few chunks of lump coal in at night but usually, by 2am or so the oil burner kicks on for the steam radiators till maybe 5-6am till I'm up and firing the stoves again. It's mostly for my Mum who has a downstairs bedroom with us, too stay warm. Next year though, I'm gonna install a soapstone heater stove for a 24/7 burn. Then the boiler will only be for times when I'm away.
PS: blizzard coming! Foot or so of snow called for.

I will never admit to it under oath, but today I sinned and turned the propane heater on.
It is nearly 1pm here and the temp is 5 above, the sun hasn't shown it's face for several days and it is snowy and windy. We have a passive solar house of sorts and the glass area makes it a bit chilly after several days of no sun. I have been meaning to put insulated shutters on the bigger windows, but that involves cash which we have very little of this winter. The Alpiner(Canadian Woodstove) is working its ass off in the basement, but while it is cozy down there...the upstairs is cooler than what we consider comfortable.
Our goal was to not turn that blasted propane heater on, but 21 days into December I had to do it.:cry:
Ban me now.

With the power invested in me, you are both banned. :buttkick:

Either you heat with wood, or not. There is no "almost pregnant" . There will be no excuses.:cry:

......and stop the whining, it's winter.:monkey:

We have a very open floor plan with a wall of large windows that face south but when we don't get sun and the temps head towards single digits the woodstove fights a losing battle. It kills me to turn the heat on but it seems like if I give it a short shot the woodstove keeps up for the rest of the day. Making plans to install a wood furnace next year and kick the habit completely.

Thats the same boat Im in. im selling off a few saws, and selling firewood to fund a new wood furnace. I sold a pickup load yesterday of dead hedge for 150$. I was happy, and the customer was happy. I told him next time I would drop price to 130 since he offered to come get it.
don't worry about it!!!

for the last 2.5 seasons... it was a badge of pride not to even light the main house heater's pilot light.

now I'm pass that... I'm going to pay the min $30 per month gas bill... regardless if I use gas or not.

due to the nature of wood stoves going out.... everyone using a wood stove will experience cold spots.

well this years I've turned on my main natural gas stove and set thermostat on low. that way anytime my house dips down... backup heat will take over.

my electronic thermostat keeps track of how long heater has ran to know when to clean filter. my heater has ran a total of 3 hours since cold weather begin.

so run your natural gas or what ever else main heating system as a backup... use the grid to your advantage... you are paying for it anyways...
Thats the same boat Im in. im selling off a few saws, and selling firewood to fund a new wood furnace. I sold a pickup load yesterday of dead hedge for 150$. I was happy, and the customer was happy. I told him next time I would drop price to 130 since he offered to come get it.

i'll take that old 064 off your hands...:)
Thats the same boat Im in. im selling off a few saws, and selling firewood to fund a new wood furnace. I sold a pickup load yesterday of dead hedge for 150$. I was happy, and the customer was happy. I told him next time I would drop price to 130 since he offered to come get it.

Whatever you do don't sell the best one you have...the 3000!:biggrinbounce2:
...unless to me:)