I don't have a lot of experience rebuilding hydraulics, and the pressures involved scare me. We blew the return hose off the valve once, immediately shut the machine down but because the pump is driven off the pulley on the disk, it just kept on pumping and dumped the entire contents of the tank onto the road. We had a spill kit, but it was like trying to fight a forest fire with a bucket. If I'd thought about it I probably would have tried just stalling the machine - shutting the engine off, disengaging the clutch and sticking a log in the chute. One of the boys on the crew reached out with his hand to put it over the valve, thinking he could stop the fluid coming out with his bare hands! A quick slap brought him to his senses ;-)
We spent the rest of that day cleaning the mess up. Kitty litter, newspapers, rags, degreaser, and rented a 4000psi petrol powered washer. What a frickin' mess! It was a nice neighborhood so we had to do a tidy job on the cleanup. Ended up doing the guys whol drive too because the part we cleaned didn't match the rest :-(