What you need is a self-feed drum chipper, like an altec whisper chipper. Yes, it is a bigger chipper, not as manuverable, but it will: chip 6 inch material all day, numpty groundsman can start it easily, you only need to sharpen the knives after a min. of 100 hours ( or never lol)unless you throw in large dead wood or rakings, very simple design, no feed wheels to jam, they don't throw chips all over the place, they are cheap, lots of power, reliable. They are not for everybody, they make an incredible amount of noise, and will slap you. Oh, I forgot, you live in Eu., they probably don't have them there? Or they are illegal? But if they have them you should try one!
A friend is considering the 65, have you had any satisfaction?
I purchased a Bandit 65xl last summer. Single feed wheel with auto feed. Like Canyonbc said, "it has to fit your outfit" and mine does. I'm extremely happy with it.
Most of my chipping is 3" and under,however occasionally I'll chip items that are 6" and depending on the species it can take a little longer than I would like at the time, but for the amount I chip big material it's not really that big concern. The only occasional jamming issue I ever have with the machine is on dead (hard) material that is larger than 2 1/2".
Sorry to hear about your problems with your chipper Pecontools, hopefully it will eventually work out.
Mitchell, have your friend rent one if he can.
We have mini Chuck and ducks here- http://www.jobeau.com/hakselaars.php?id=3
Bandit UK, also known as Global recycling equipment formerly BE Recycling formerly Kendall Equipment are the worst company in the UK to buy anything from. They are a bunch of crooks.
Every 6 inch capacity bandit from the word go has suffered the same problem.
I wonder, do they sell more chippers with the shirt off adds?
Good idea to rent first, however I jave only ever seen the vermeer products for rent locally. The 6 inch vermeer is better then nothing, but not much.
i have recently bought a 65 aw second hand (so glad to get rid of my 6 inch vermeer) its only got a 25 hp kohler on it which is a bit under powered for my liking but so far this 65 ####ing rocks i love it to bits, it doesnt matter what i throw at that feed roller it rips it in and spits it out the shoot , if i dont watch where the discharge is pointing it fires chips over the truck and ends up 30-40 feet in front of the truck, it chews everything i throw in there from palm fronds to cabbage trees its bloody awesome.
Yeah the bandits are generally good, but there have been obviously bad ones sold new down these ways (to many to be simply a coincidence) and brush bandit has not been backing them up. The sales agent is doing all it can to support there product but the parent company doesnt seems to care.
If you going to get a new chipper at any stage, check out the Hansa's, I brought one of there 6 by 12 inch models 5 months ago and am really impressed. Auto feed, rotating turntable, NZ made and the guys customize them how you want them. My mate has one that has been through 2 tree companies, the council thrashed it, and its worn out motors and still goes strong. Was that your vemeer on trademe a little while back?