ArboristSite Operative
https://www.google.gr/search?q=canola+oil+polymerizing&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safariI was also able to google and find plenty of references to canola oil polymerizing. It definitely happens.
This kind of "polymerizing" will never occur at any kind of a machine.This is actually carbonizing.
Oil has to be stationary ,for starters
(like as applied on a cast iron skillet for example ) and not in motion / flow as in the case of
chainsaw bar & chain.
For what is worth ,once more I feel sorry for your experience with canola oil as bar oil substitute ,
but differs a lot from mine and other's .
I would not bother try it again myself, if I was in your place.
But still ,something went really wrong at your case.
Most probably the "canola oil" you 've used was not actually what it claimed to be .