Had an issue yesterday, take-down of an awkward dead-as-a nail Ash in a small garden. Tree was v.dangerous to leave standing. Upon inspection there was signs of bats using the tree. obviously the tree had to come down from a safety perspective, and the company had good £££'s on it. the climber confirmed that bats were using the tree, comes down and we discus the steps to take. I maintained that as the tree was dangerous it had to be reduced to the point where the bats would not disturbed, but the climber insists that the law states that they should not be disturbed in any way. I suggested we call English nature for their advice, adn tell the boss of the situation. Boss calls us "homosexual nature loving freaks" and get the tree down. Climber says if you want to break the law do it youself. English Nature say to take the tree down if it is too dangerous to leave upright, the bats will re-home. Imay have made this a bit long-winded but as a boss would you go by the letter of the law, or if you think that you can get away with it, just go for it! please try and be honest, rather than say what you want people to hear!