I totally disagree with you clearance and lxt on the need for CA to be able to climb. I come from an industrial forestry background (a Registered Professional Forester). When I designed logging road and cutblocks, I didn't need to know all the intricacies of falling or running an excavator. All I said was this is where the road goes and those are the trees that will be cut, make it so.
Same for a CA. When I make a prescription, I'm not telling the climber how to do the work, only what work needs to be done. Big difference. I may tell him how to do the work, but that would only be within a training scenario.
Finally, as someone else said, the CA is only a certification. As such, it has value only if a customer perceives it to have value (as the holder of a couple of expensive but now worthless certifications). Around here, the certification obviously has value, because the municipalities require a CA to do tree assessment and arborist reports (not someone who is a very good climber).
The ISA has done a very good marketing job, by getting the public to believe that only a CA has the qualifications to take care of their trees. Not the first time the public has had their attitudes defined by marketing. But if the public believes that a CA is required, then the CA certification has value.
You are kidding? Arborist`s that dont climb...........MMmmmm all I can say is Nice!! but they wanna oversee me? tell me how to trim, remove, etc... The problem I see is some of these folks get their Cert. & think they are to good for the physical side of it but want the money cause they have the paper!!
Alot of these certified jokes cant even be a good groundie, thats sad!! BC you dont agree with me or clearance thats cool, I dont know how old you are or how long you`ve been in this field, But when ISA was the NAA climbing was a requirement not an option, Dont you feel embarassed to know the Certification you now hold has been diluted & cheapened for the sake of obtaining more members, which means more money think on that!!
Your Cert has no value if you have to hire someone to do the above ground work, the public will soon wonder why< you wont fool them for long!! where I live this is exactly what is happening, town Arborist`s dont climb(most anyway). So when they need an inspection of the crown or other above ground task they call me, I always ask why didnt your arborist do this? its his job, its what you hired him for!! Most people dealing in the trades started at the bottom & through education have moved up!! not the opposite.