Addicted to ArboristSite
The major obstacle to that approach, really shows its face when you take your model of an ideal arborist, and remove them from their "safety net" for their philosophy - an environment to climb. An equally big obstacle is below in bold print at the end.
Take your model arborists, and drop them into an environment where there are no trees to climb, but of great enough value to need arboriculture. If therefore their climbing skills are irrelevant and cannot be used, your logic dictates that they are no longer arborists.
The important part about arboriculture, is that arboriculture exists even if climbing gear was not existent. Arboriculture exists even if someone does not have a hand pruning saw.
So the "arena" among arborists is not climbing at all, but the "arena" is the presence of trees.
It would be equally foolish if I tried to claim that because some arborists spent 100% of their time in trees, and none planting, that they were not arborists.
The important part, is do they understand how to plant trees. Do they know their aboriculture or not? If they know how to plant, they still can prune and climb trees, but manage and oversee the planting.
There may be an even greater obstacle to your presentation of opinion...
If you think that a Certified Arborist cannot manage from the ground, like for a city like Los Angeles or Boston, without him or her being a skilled climber, there is a logic dilemna.
So that CA can't manage other CAs, but the upper city management with no hort experience can hire and manage a climbing CA?
And in that, I disagree with you by giving more credit to a managing CA, than I would do a non-horticultural city management professional. The way I see it, is if another manager can supercede a climbing arborist and the work can be done right, then a managing CA with expert tree knowledge can even more effectively manage CAs and climbers.
To think otherwise, we cut off our leg of logic, by neccessitating that every level of city management above the urban forester, must be a climbing CA - all the way to the mayor.
do you climb?