LOL. Is that really all it takes for you to get worked up? Don't run out of blood pressure medication, whatever you do. Toyota doesnt make a truck that will pull any of my 3 trailers so its a moot point, but the frame issues weren't the last of their problems. Just look inside the bed of most any 10 year old Tundra and you'll see....asphalt

BTW, the frame replacement deal, which affected the 4runner, Sequoia, Tundra, Taco, wasn't "voluntary" as you called it. It was the result of a NHTSA investigation from spare tires falling off while going down the highway because there was no frame left, and a class action lawsuit that cost Toyota nearly $4 billion. Dam those bean counters, wonder if they came from Dodge?
Even the farmers that buy half tons around here dont buy Toyotas, what's that tell you? They are some of the most buisiness savy guys you will find. All in all they're decent trucks but they're still over priced, and they still have their own problems. The new redesign that came in 22 with the turbo v6 has been problematic and warranty heavy. Time will tell whether it's growing pains or if Toyota is suffering from value engineering again, like they did with their frames. Enjoy your Taco.
I'll enjoy getting 20 years out of my 3rd Dodge, with nothing but routine maintenance.