Dolmar seems like a good option. I could run a 3/8 chain and be under 400. A husky comparble would be the 359...right? its 499.00, big jump.
Bailey's shows the 359 at $439, and the 357 at $499.
Dolmar seems like a good option. I could run a 3/8 chain and be under 400. A husky comparble would be the 359...right? its 499.00, big jump.
I scrounge wood, trees already down.
you have been very helpful. I think the 353 sounds like a good saw. I went out and looked at the wood I will be cutting and mostly fall 14-20 inch range. I know you said 16 inch bar on the 353 but what about the 18? I feel I will need the 18 inch often. Of course I am not an experience wood cutter so maybe you know better. Could you expand on the reason the 16" bar?
Hey. I do the same as you do so I think the best saw would be a husky 359.I scrounge wood, trees already down. I wouldlike your guys opinion on one good saw that will be good for many years. I currently have a husqvarna 141 and feel it is to small. The diameter of logs varies, and some wood is already cut to length. What is one saw you guys would not leave home with out. Husky 359, 357?? I dont want to spend a fortune if not needed. I burn maybe 4 cord a year and thats it. I probably have no other use for the saw than cutting my own firewood. Thanks for every one who replies
makes perfect sense. I did find a dolmar dealer? 5100 for 399.00 anyone care to comment?
Yea, I have been thinking of it and with the wood available I need the 24 inch bar. I am wondering if the 359 will even have enough power for it. I am looking at maybe a stihl 361. The dealership I like quit selling husks but still sell the stihls. I also been looking on ebay for a 60 cc in either brand. I probably cant go wrong with either manufacturer.
The wood that it is down and free for me to take is 20-30 inches wide. Dosnt that mean I need a big saw? Thanks everyone so far.