Another four hours pulling parts of the top out of the ditch. Cme home with 3/4 of a load. Tiem I had the tops cleared I was beat but decided to at least cut a few chunks off that rotten log.
No reasonable way around the root wad so the road has to go through there. Cut 4 sections. Too heavy to move so I'll have to noodle each chunk to get them out of the way.
Here is the next victim:
Should go a cord or more. It is only the stem plus those two branches at the crotch. The tree behind it is another victim but probably for next year.
No reasonable way around the root wad so the road has to go through there. Cut 4 sections. Too heavy to move so I'll have to noodle each chunk to get them out of the way.
Here is the next victim:
Should go a cord or more. It is only the stem plus those two branches at the crotch. The tree behind it is another victim but probably for next year.