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I only run canned fuel in all my saws and brush trimmer but none of them get used every day anyway so canned fuel (Echo Red Armor) for me is the way to go. I don't ever bother draining the canned fuel out when they sit either and they sit a lot.MS 180 has been my 044 compliment and "truck saw" for ~20 years. Been used for work WAAAAY above it's pay grade A LOT.
Starts, cuts and restarts like new. New carb at 15 years is the only repair, and that's probably due to me leaving it sitting for months with corn squeezings in the tank.
bad enough dealing with the 'corn squeezings' in my 4 stroke stuff. In fact I'm trading in my ZTR for a Kubota diesel powered mowing machine. That leaves my roto tiller, pressure washer and my wife's zero turn with gas motors on them.
I much prefer diesel power anyway.