Best way to tell a chainsaws stolen?

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well you got to be a little smarter than that but basically you don’t invite them in the shop to see everything you got dummy. I won’t deal with a dimwit like you in a parking lot good way to get robbed, car jacked or shot. At least at home I have a 110 lb Doberman to back me up and a 45 in my belt. Keeps things mighty civil. I’m just saying I won’t go buy a saw from some turd in a parking lot.
Is it that crazy there that you would be shot over a chainsaw. I mean I live in a pretty “bad” city don’t think you would ever be stabbed or shot over a chainsaw or other meet up.
I applauded the willingness of those who step aside from the easy deal on a cheep saw in favor of their Charmic energy. If something doesn't seem right, if they don't look like they've ever cut a stick of wood in their life, it's not their dads or grandfathers saw, on and on, but your gut just knows.
Recieving stolen goods is a serious charge and so is forfeiting the saw and being out the money. But there's more here to consider, after all, it may not be "the man" who catches up with you but "the man upstairs", the yin-yang, chi, cosmos, flying spaghetti monster.
Being an active part in breaking the cycle of theft often involves recognizing the signs of addiction. The tweekers, skeezers, meth, smack, and the good ole-school alkiez. When the panhandling Peter's out they'll forage for anything easy and/or not nailed down.
So, how do you flag, report, avoid suspicious sales and why are these anything differant than buying copycat import items made from stolen patents and stolen intellectual property.
Is stolen = STOLEN regardless???
What's more reprehensible, the tweeker with a pair of bolt cutters or an off-shore manufacturer producing knockoff goods without paying $Mega royalties?
Theft = Theft
Record them sooner than later. I had 4 saws stolen last fall. 2 I had the serial numbers and 2 I didn't. Guess which 2 I got back. Thief is in jail along with his girlfriend whose car they used to jack my saws. I also engrave numbers known only to me at an inconspicuous place on the saw.
I write the S# down in the saw manual with date of purchase too. I have thought about engraving #s some place too, guess i will start. what saws are still missing?
I write the S# down in the saw manual with date of purchase too. I have thought about engraving #s some place too, guess i will start. what saws are still missing?
Stihl missing an 026 and 036. i could identify them if I saw them put up for sale on CL or FB marketplace.
Never second guess your gut reaction. If something seems wrong then it probably is.
yup I got burnt that way, dude from Indiana said he lost his wallet, so give me a .5 hr. before you send the money, gut said walk away, but he had an 044, turns out it was a farmtec saw with a 044 cover on it, that was the day I stopped buying used saws, over the interweb.
I never meet at home for sales. No red flag issue about it, just no interest in having strangers come by. Nothing good comes of that. I’m not looking to make friends, just to make a sale. Plus folks talk - I got that saw from a guy who lives over there, he has lots of saws…and next thing you know his methhead cousin is pulling a B&E.

Edit - except sales to AS folks. They have come by.
You say that it's ok if AS folks come by??
I had to research that one?
The first search result was AS vs BS.
Then this:
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a rare type of arthritis that causes pain and stiffness in your spine. This lifelong condition, also known as Bechterew disease, usually starts in your lower back. It can spread up to your neck or damage joints in other parts of your body.
I suppose it's truly different in the Southern states , people are generally polite and accommodating. Obviously we have drugs and crime like the rest of the world but the criminals usually only deal with pawn shops because they don't want trouble from normal folk or someone to call their kin. Flea markets can have stolen property but if you talk to a few local folks you not to deal with them.
In the late 90s I was working in Greenville South Carolina as a technician for a copy/fax company and I was paired with another tech early on. We were in the city and passed a couple drug dealers, they offered to sell him drugs, but not me ?(we weren't buying anyway) and I asked him what was up with that? He said that they didn't want any "White boy trouble", he was Black . I told him I felt strangely offended, LoL!
Even our criminals have a loose moral belief.
Back before COVID, I was selling a leaf blower. Met a guy at the parking lot of a nearby store. Ends up it was someone I had sent to jail about six months prior and the 90 days I gave him cost him his lawn business, so now he was starting over. He was more surprised than angry, but it could have played out differently.

Stuff like that is why I don’t meet at home. :)
Here's a sure fire theft detector, really.
Whip out your phone, tell the seller you want to take a picture with them and the item.
Works like a bright light on cockroaches, a thief will scurry for any handy hiding place.
A bit worried about a gas station purchase? Take a picture of seller's license plate. I buy sell old motorcycles, often not running, title jumping is a common thing, title transfer is often more expensive than the asking price on an old barn bike. Yeah I'm sure I've bought an item or three that was stolen. One time in retrospect I'm pretty sure a "kid" was selling off his dad's stuff right out the house while dad was gone or maybe just at work... But folks do get in a cash fix and just need money right now. Small high dollar items on FB or CL and quick cash in hand, faster, better price, less embarassing than a pawn shop? shrug. I've had a few shady characters show up at the ranch, and will admit to having the wife complete some of my sales while I'm off somewhere.
It's not infallible but I do feel I can get a pretty good feel for sketchy buyers. If I'm a bit unsure I'll request a phone call or a phone number to text to. I use my phone number in ads, as a general rule anyone that calls is going to be legit. (and older LOL) More than one buyer/seller has gone poof after a phone request. Good way to get rid of the damned kids with no intent to buy also, a big pain in motorcycle sales. I'm a small town guy and have had few scary trips carrying cash to the "wrong part of town" in a big city. I've also told a few widows they need to stop inviting strangers to come to their rural homes!!!
Apparently Stihl dealers will check saws coming in for repairs against a serial number list of stolen saws. Mine does, anyway. Not sure how they handle it if the serial number is ground off though.
They should check but the several I talked to when my saws were stolen don't. I contacted my dealer and had him add my saws to the list.
Here's a sure fire theft detector, really.
Whip out your phone, tell the seller you want to take a picture with them and the item.
Works like a bright light on cockroaches, a thief will scurry for any handy hiding place.
A bit worried about a gas station purchase? Take a picture of seller's license plate. I buy sell old motorcycles, often not running, title jumping is a common thing, title transfer is often more expensive than the asking price on an old barn bike. Yeah I'm sure I've bought an item or three that was stolen. One time in retrospect I'm pretty sure a "kid" was selling off his dad's stuff right out the house while dad was gone or maybe just at work... But folks do get in a cash fix and just need money right now. Small high dollar items on FB or CL and quick cash in hand, faster, better price, less embarassing than a pawn shop? shrug. I've had a few shady characters show up at the ranch, and will admit to having the wife complete some of my sales while I'm off somewhere.
It's not infallible but I do feel I can get a pretty good feel for sketchy buyers. If I'm a bit unsure I'll request a phone call or a phone number to text to. I use my phone number in ads, as a general rule anyone that calls is going to be legit. (and older LOL) More than one buyer/seller has gone poof after a phone request. Good way to get rid of the damned kids with no intent to buy also, a big pain in motorcycle sales. I'm a small town guy and have had few scary trips carrying cash to the "wrong part of town" in a big city. I've also told a few widows they need to stop inviting strangers to come to their rural homes!!!
Nope, you're not getting a pic of me. Bad enough that you might get my license plate number. Everything I sell is legit and I'm no thief, but damned if I want some random CL weirdo having any more info about me than absolutely necessary. This isn't guilty behavior, this is common sense. Happy to talk on the phone and meet at the police station, if that makes you feel better.

I keep CL separate from the rest of my life. I don't chit chat with people, we don't hang out there after the sale, I'm not getting involved in their drama, and I'm not letting their problems become my problems. The less contact, the better. They get the item, I get the cash, we part ways. 99% of the people I deal with prefer this; most of the time we don't even know each other's name.

If you don't like this, don't do business with me. Simple as that.
A guy came into the saw shop where my son works with an MS661 saying it wouldn’t start. Claimed he bought it off a guy for $50 because it wouldn’t run. The saw clearly had very little time on it. Fresh fuel and proper technique and the saw fired up fine. While examining the saw it was noted the serial number was ground off… that saw could very well have been stolen from them but without the serial number there was no way of verifying that. Over the years people have stolen saws and parts off saws… everything is locked up with cables now. They also have security cameras on the saws… they’ve caught thieves and had them prosecuted. Two guys stole 4 snowblowers last year and they had great images of them and their truck… convicted.
The only good convict is a dead one. The other thing is for selling. Do not take a payment thru any of the Cash App or Apple Pay. I found out that the payment can be cancelled. Not sure if this is true but I see signs going up that some drive thru's are not accepting them. I had a guy looking at a Honda generator I was selling for $800. I told him in advance to bring cash. He shows up and checks the generator out. He pulls out his phone and says I can pay you from Cash App. I said cash only. Then he says I can pay you with Apple App or Apple Pay. Once again I said cash only. He then asked me where there is a local bank. I told him where the two banks in town were. He says I'll be back in 5 minutes. I never heard from him again. I'm pretty sure he would have ripped me off.
The only good convict is a dead one. The other thing is for selling. Do not take a payment thru any of the Cash App or Apple Pay. I found out that the payment can be cancelled. Not sure if this is true but I see signs going up that some drive thru's are not accepting them. I had a guy looking at a Honda generator I was selling for $800. I told him in advance to bring cash. He shows up and checks the generator out. He pulls out his phone and says I can pay you from Cash App. I said cash only. Then he says I can pay you with Apple App or Apple Pay. Once again I said cash only. He then asked me where there is a local bank. I told him where the two banks in town were. He says I'll be back in 5 minutes. I never heard from him again. I'm pretty sure he would have ripped me off.
This is another saw that had the serial number ground off and was brought in to the store, vs. the shop, for a chain. We had the same problem at a bicycle shop where I worked years ago. We were sure a bike was stolen but there wasn’t much we could do about it… cops either. No way to trace it, nobody to claim it…

High dollar item random public place, smile for the camera or I walk, easy peasy.
I don't want to get hauled downtown for having some perp's stolen goods.
It's like sex. You do it your way, and I'll do it mine, but we sure as hell won't be doing it together.
I have imported quite a few Husky's from the US some of the ones bought from a dealer had s/no plates removed as Husky dealers can lose their dealership if one of the saws sold by them turns up in another country, Husqvarna Australia has told dealers to notify them of " grey imports " they send the s/no's to Husky USA to track who sold the saw.
As far as recoding all the s/no's, I do this plus I engrave all my saws in hard to get at spots with my state & drivers licence number.
The only thing I can say is if and when one purchases something off the internet from someone, they do not know they also do not know what they are selling is legit, period. Being able to get the serial number or not means nothing as many items are never reported as stolen and if so the owner may not even know the serial number of their missing piece of equipment and all the parts from such do not bear serial numbers. If one is queezy about buying hot stuff then better NOT do so off the internet when nearly every sale is between strangers.