Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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That's funny, once you made the trip to see the item I figure the negotiating is over. You can walk away if you have to, but if you wanted it for less, you should have asked me before we agreed to meet - I may not be interested in your offer and wouldn't waste either of our time. I use words and photographs in the listing to give a representative description, including the known flaws. Different philosophy I guess.
I don’t disagree. I mean it depends on what the item is to.

If I have something I’m just trying to get out of the yard, I’m fine wheeling and dealing.

On the other hand, if I have something that is high-quality and someone tries to lowball and/or insult me, discussion will be over.

One time as a young man when I was getting ready to move I sold a case of 7.62 x 39 ammo to this older guy who was really a jerk during negotiations but I wanted cash and wanted to be done with it. I said if anyone ever treats me like that again, I’m going tell them to f themselves. It’s nice when you’re holding the cards and you can just tell people flat out, NO.
I hear you. Last boat I sold the guy showed up $400 short on the agreed price. I ended up keeping the downriggers and selling them separately to get my price.
I would be quite unhappy if I and a buyer agreed on a price, I took the time to show up with the item and the buyer then showed and tried to dicker over it. I would get back in the truck and go home.
When you are selling an item for $2600. You and the buyer agree on $2200. Then he shows up with $1500. You then tell him to have a nice day. When I bought my last saw I made an offer on it. The guy said it was too low. I made another offer and he accepted it. I'm fine with that. I don't show up and drop my offer if there is nothing wrong with the item that I am buying. I have had way too many people try to pull that on me.
I never make an offer through messaging or over the phone unless I know with out a doubt that I want whatever it is no matter what condition of something I may find in person, which is rare.

I think the last time I did that was when I bought the '01 2500 RAM. The truck was ROUGH but it had all of the bits that I need to swap the NV4500 into my '02 2500. I offered him what I felt comfortable based on the pics and he accepted, I showed up asked zero questions and put it on the trailer and paid him.

I’ve bought three things off “Marketplace”

Each I paid the sellers asking price

I selected them because of their price. I hate when people offer lower prices on stuff I have up. Either you want it or you don’t…..

But buying stuff from a Pawn Shop, I feel it’s part of the experience to haggle and get it for as low as possible. Lord knows they have the person a fraction of their asking price!!

I once got a Model 70, Stainless 30-06 for $400 when the guys tag said 750

I bet he gave some widow $100 for that rifle!!

I’ve gotten two model 70’s from him and neither did I pay his asking price
I hate when people offer lower prices on stuff I have up. Either you want it or you don’t…..
Meh, I see selling online similar to the pawn shop experience and expect people to haggle. Heck, even ebay has an "offer now" or whatever button. I usually research the item I'm listing to get an average price and land somewhere around there and allow for a little room to come down (this mostly just sets my expectations.) The first day I'm probably not as willing to go as low as I might after a week. Stuff I just want gone gets listed lower than the going rate. A lot depends on the item too, as mentioned by several others. But I certainly don't get mad over *reasonable* offers.

When I'm buying, most times I just pay asking price because I've likely selected one that is already a deal and I know it. I'm patient and often wait for months to find what I'm looking for. But then you have to be ready to jump on it.
My nephew sent this picture of the two of us tonight View attachment 1247643and asked me if I was ready to get the boat back on the water yet

This boy doesn’t realize, I daydream all day, since 2nd grade….. of hunting and fishing

I’m just BLESSED to have a job that allows me to have fun in the outdoors
One of my bosses gave me a sign which now hangs on my wall "Born to Fish.... Forced to Work".
On the flip side, I prefer to message as it cuts down the BS especially from tire kickers or people who want to aggressively negotiate before showing up. (If I am selling, I don't wiggle much until people are in front of the item holding cash).
I hate it. Especially with the younger crowed. Either you want to sell something or you don't. I never haggle price over the computer. That's just dumb imo. My message to all the people with truck I wanted to look at was simple.
"Hi, I'm interested in your truck. When can I look at it, I will have cash in hand.
my phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx, if you prefer to talk or text.
Thanks, Sean."
Don't know how much simpler or to the point I can be.
Only guy I messaged a bit different was a 3 hour drive one way, I simply asked if he would mind snapping a few extra pictures of the frame and if I needed to bring the rollback or not? I noticed the check engine light was on in his video with the truck running. I'm looking at sub $5k trucks. So, I know there's going to be issues. Just be upfront, I'm not picky.
The truck I'm going to look at today I already have a decent idea what it's issue is, and should be a pretty simple (if not tedious) to fix. Had to send him a picture of bank envelope full of cash to get a time and address from the kid. Life shouldn't be so difficult.... it's a 20 year old truck ffs.
I think buying online is a vicious cycle. Sellers are guarded because there are so many scammers out there and vice versa.

Usually a few text interchanges will give a decent vibe about the person you are dealing with.

Although when you message someone you want to buy it and they ghost you, that drives me insane. Just tell me someone else has dibs or its sold FFS.

I hate selling things these days. What drives me even more bonkers is when friends or acquaintances say they want to buy my stuff then when I want to sell they all lose interest or they want it for 25 cents on the dollar. I always will cut a deal to a friend but I am not going to fire sale.
I think buying online is a vicious cycle. Sellers are guarded because there are so many scammers out there and vice versa.

Usually a few text interchanges will give a decent vibe about the person you are dealing with.

Although when you message someone you want to buy it and they ghost you, that drives me insane. Just tell me someone else has dibs or its sold FFS.

I hate selling things these days. What drives me even more bonkers is when friends or acquaintances say they want to buy my stuff then when I want to sell they all lose interest or they want it for 25 cents on the dollar. I always will cut a deal to a friend but I am not going to fire sale.
I almost always start with email exchanges and then go to text/phone if it appears legit. I've broken that rule a few times on items I really wanted, and probably missed out on some deals by not calling first.

I hear Facebook MP has its share of scammers now too, which makes me smile since they are not immune to it. I wish there were none anywhere, but that's not the current state.

I understand not getting a reply on a newly listed item *IF* the listing is removed right away (meaning I wasn't first in line.) But yeah, don't leave a listing up after it's sold. It's one click to take it down! I know sometimes emails go to spam folders, been the victim of that from both sides.
Anything in the "public" area of Facebook such as marketplace or any public post/group is a cesspool of ********, spammers, and scammers. I run a number of FB groups with one of them being over 70,000 members. It is mandatory to have groups set to "private" which means someone not in the group can see the group but cannot see what's inside of it. Secondly you need to have new member approval and post approval on or you will be absolutely overrun with spam. But if you set the standard that drama will not be tolerated, you will have very few issues.

Facebook now reminds me of this place 15 years ago. Lots of drama but leadership does nothing to deal with the problems.