To Bob, the original poster,
First, welcome to AS, we are glad you are here. Second, thank you for recognizing you were in over your head, and reaching out for support, it speaks well of you. As I am sure you have realized, this sort of situation in the woods is graded on a very steep curve... pretty much pass/fail... simple, really...
As you can see, the general consensus at this point for your experience level is to clear around the butt, and use either equipment or mechanical advantage attached to a good anchor point to such it back out of the mess. With better pictures can come better advice.
The next question you should ask yourself is is it really worth saving a hundred bucks or two to gain this experience firsthand? Most of us pros saw this situation handled by our mentors multiple times before we ever attacked it on our own. The name "widowmaker" didn't come to be used by accident. Just a point to ponder...
Regards, Jeff