black walnut veneer - what's the value of my logs

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I know what a plunge cut is and I think I understand how to do but it was on town along a rail track about 20 feet from it. We dug as low as we could and drop cut( drop cut was in the root flare). Got a vidoe so I can see this cut in action? Mite do side work with a guy on his land. He wanted to know should we find a market for his logs (oak locust black walnut and ashe) or go to the mill? I've got a 16' dump trailor and he was one slightly smaller. The 16fter has 7ft sides so it can hold a lot. if I should go to mark it with them, any suggestions where to start looking for a buyer?

I don't know of any video, you'd just have to look or ask around.

As far the market question? Generaly you find a buyer before you cut them down, otherwise somebody (whoever owns them) may be sitting on them for awhile, plus if you can't find a buyer you might as well let the tree grow more and pack on more bf. Like fattening up a cow before it goes to the slaughter house. Where to find the best buyers in your area or when to sell? I have not a clue. The market for walnut is picking up a little bit. I've never delt with Ash other then quick beer & gas money at the local Amish farm. I haven't delt with black locust around here much either. The few Black Locust buyers I've delt with make custom decks for some of the fancy lake home in mid-Missouri. I think some make fence post out of it.

You may already know this but Woodweb is a great source of information with handy calculators to figure out bf and weight.

Again, I don't know your business. For all I know, you already know all this but if not, a few more other thing to keep in mind in the coming 5-10 years is Emerald Ash Borer and Thousand Cankers Disease. Many Counties as well as State laws now prohibit transporting Ash and Walnut across county and state lines because of those two diseases. You need to check with your state's forrestry, ag, or conservation deptpartment, as well county depts to see what laws are in effect in your area.

I'm not a logging expert by any means. Just sharing what I've experienced know to be true on the subject. What you've read is pretty much all I know. Good luck.
I don't know of any video, you'd just have to look or ask around.

As far the market question? Generaly you find a buyer before you cut them down, otherwise somebody (whoever owns them) may be sitting on them for awhile, plus if you can't find a buyer you might as well let the tree grow more and pack on more bf. Like fattening up a cow before it goes to the slaughter house. Where to find the best buyers in your area or when to sell? I have not a clue. The market for walnut is picking up a little bit. I've never delt with Ash other then quick beer & gas money at the local Amish farm. I haven't delt with black locust around here much either. The few Black Locust buyers I've delt with make custom decks for some of the fancy lake home in mid-Missouri. I think some make fence post out of it.

You may already know this but Woodweb is a great source of information with handy calculators to figure out bf and weight.

Again, I don't know your business. For all I know, you already know all this but if not, a few more other thing to keep in mind in the coming 5-10 years is Emerald Ash Borer and Thousand Cankers Disease. Many Counties as well as State laws now prohibit transporting Ash and Walnut across county and state lines because of those two diseases. You need to check with your state's forrestry, ag, or conservation deptpartment, as well county depts to see what laws are in effect in your area.

I'm not a logging expert by any means. Just sharing what I've experienced know to be true on the subject. What you've read is pretty much all I know. Good luck.

Got lots of buyers around but they are all middle men. I wanna cut the middle guy out and take it right to the mill/veener place. Got paid $750 for 7 logs because my dad pushed me into it. Guy comes today(day later) offers 1.4k for them. I already got into with him yesterday.

Now I got one for a home owner 3ft + wider with abotu 12 feet clear wood no bumps or damge in the bark. Sick of the middle man, sick of searching threw low ballers. But I don't know where to begin to look for veener mill besides albany.
I didn't say roots....I said root flare. Stump.....if it's not hollow then you're throwing away bf. Hill country....some of the logs come from the Ozarks. I've been ALL OVER Virginia and the grade on the ozark hills are just the same as Virginia....matter of fact so are some of the waddi's and ravines in Kansas and they fell trees on hills pretty much the same way.

I've said all I can say as far as what price to expect, how the Walnut mills like it done, and how loggers have been doing it here for decades. You folks can take it for what it's worth.....good luck.

Neg rep for supposedly not being man enough to admit being wrong??

I Don't think Im wrong!! How bout that?! digging LOLOLOL. Flat landers. . . . .
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So the veneer guy laughed to when they heard who bought the logs. Said he was a piece of work. So I went out and looked at the logs since there still on lot. The veneer guy looked at the standing trees I got left to do not ones on lot, they're sold for now.

As I said I went out and looked at them again and took pictures of the bumps and marks on the log + their is a crack pretty much threw the center of big log on one end. I'm not sure how to post pictures on here.
So the veneer guy laughed to when they heard who bought the logs. Said he was a piece of work. So I went out and looked at the logs since there still on lot. The veneer guy looked at the standing trees I got left to do not ones on lot, they're sold for now.

As I said I went out and looked at them again and took pictures of the bumps and marks on the log + their is a crack pretty much threw the center of big log on one end. I'm not sure how to post pictures on here.

these are the pictures
I got passed this morning by two semi-truckloads of walnut logs (my truck was loaded heavy), and I got a chance to look at the regional pro's handiwork.

Nothing was bigger than 30", and some of the logs looked like they were only good for 11"-12". Some of the butts showed rotten parts, but mostly in the outer areas, and all the logs that were not at the butt of the tree looked clean. Very few were symmetrically round, in fact most of the logs were rather misshapen in outline.

At least two logs on each truck had been cut at or below the ground level, and the root flare had been sliced off to keep the same diameter as the trunk.

Each truck had "Missouri Walnut Co" on the side, so these guys would be expected to know their business.
A buyer we worked with that did walnut plywood would buy every scrap of the tree. If there were several trees he would come out and mark off each cut. They would even take some limb wood as low grade if it was round.
log value

Brand new at this site. Im looking for someone reliable (forester?) to help me sell some timber. Im in Central Illinois. Anybody recommend someone?

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