I think from the title you know where this is going. I had all larger saw 880, 2 066 and a 440. Though I love the lightsaber type cutting a large saw with a small bar gets you I decided to pick up a smaller saw the guy I bought a 260 from seemed to know what he was talking about I just didn’t realize he was a shady A hole. Figured out after getting it home that the saw I bought even though it started right up the top end was trash. Just pulled it apart and the bottom of the connecting rod is blue. You can imagine the joy that was the bearings don’t make a sound and there’s no play in them so I’m in a bit of a dilemma put the top end on and run it or split the case and go for a ground up rebuild. Has anyone had this scenario put the top end on and had it last for a decent amount of time? When I got it home I figured out the muffler was a little loose so that would’ve probably been the cause of it running lean