I did a little more homework Mark and I'll try and answer some of the questions you, Zogger and a few others had. Keep in mind I was curious about maybe selling them myself, as I can order them from Husky. I'm not taking shots at someone elses brand.

But after a closer look, no way they are going to find their way onto my shelf.
The saw is not abused or beat up. Mounts are not stretched or bent at all. Saw is on it's second chain, and the bar is not yet showing any burring. The chain is in good shape with no indication that it caught anything that would cause any trama.
Regarding the weight, I don't look at the numbers as much as how the saw feels, and it feels heavy and awkward. It seems fat to me. If the 56cc 455 rancher misses the target on power to weight, this thing misses the whole shooting range.
I measured the crank and compared it to a few other saws. We both noticed it, and our instincts are right. At the clutch point, it is only a 6mm diameter. Even the Husky 445 has an 8mm crank. The only Husky with that small a crank is the 435. Bottom line: IMO this crank is a weak point, particularly in this application pulling a 3/8 20" bar.
Another thing I noticed is that the clip holding the airfilter on doesn't keep it very tight, and there was plenty of sawdust inside of the filter.
I'm not a Poulan warranty center, and don't have a desire to become one if I'm not going to sell the product. But a crank replacement might be costly enough that a new saw would be granted, however I'm just guessing on that.
I just think this saw is posing as more saw than it actually is. Every company has some cheap small saws, but a cheap big saw? Kind of a hard target to hit IMO. Granted, there will be guys that run them for years with no trouble, and I hope you guys that have bought them fall into that category. I'm not saying they're all gonna break. But that can be the case with any cheap saw. There's guys that come in the store with things that we both joke, "Is that thing still running?"
I jumped in here because this thread has painted what I now think is an overly rosy picture of this saw. A lot of people read this stuff and make purchase decisions based on our comments. I just don't think it's that good a saw, and I would neither recommend it nor consider selling it in my store. I'm fully aware that many guys need a good deal on a saw, and the price and specs of this saw are certainly attractive. I also believe that it's often a lot harder for that customer to come up with $150-$200 for something like this than it is for us CAD infected guys to spend $800 on one more saw that we don't need. That customer needs a saw that's going to last; not one that will likely need to be replaced in a few years.