Lets through another log on the fire and keep this going, Thanks for not just descending into a 'take pot shots at hse and the inspector', thats not why I am here, nobody likes being a target for too long. I like to think that I have a bit of knowledge of the industry, I would like to know more, being a better inspector is not about throwing enforcement about it is about understanding the industries you inspect and being able to work with them try and help to make sure that the accidents don't happen as often.
Did I anywhere say that I was surprised by the response?
Did I anywhere say that I didn't know how much courses cost?
Did I anywhere say that I put peoples heads on the block?
Believe it or not I too would love to be able to get at the white vans, unfortunately I do not have the time to find out where they are working unless someone tells me (us, hse) but you would be amazed at the number of people that complain about us only visiting after the event, or only contacting the legit' but who will not tell us where the cowboys are. You know the jobs you have been undercut on by cowboys,tell us. If youre not prepared to tell us then please don't complain to me that we are not reaching the parts other laws have difficulty with.
I'm a bit confused, you don't want to see us before the accident when things are going ok, you don't want to see us after the accident and yet you still want us out catching 'the others'.... hmmm which is it to be? If we are out trying to catch the others then you never know we may well find you. In which case it will turn into the sort of visit that frankly I am getting bored of-
Morning I'm an inspector....
Oh chit, what are you picking on me for?
Chat, chat chat, risk assessment, :¬( Oh ok, actually thats not so bad, even makes sense really.
Right, you're ok, can you let me know who I really ought to be inspecting?
Oh no I couldn't bubble/dob in/grass on/ anyone else
ok bye.
Complaints that I have to deal with from the public I spend more time, after checking them out, telling the public where to go.
Several accidents I have investigated have gone no further than initial investigation as I have found that the risks had been controlled as far as reasonably practicable and hey you guys work in the most dangerous industry in the country bar none. Classics are 'anchor point gave way after tree had been assessed by 3 competent climbers' 'climber attached karabiner to wrong loop of bowline' (der that called for a heavy dose of sarcasm)
We do not go around prosecuting everything, you know I said I hate paperwork, you would not believe the paperwork and hoops we have to jump through to bring a prosecution, it is not something that any inspector enters into lightly.