we have some council trees to do, they are totally land locked and have to be extracted up 4 flights of stairs. they were previously 'pollarded' and are in the back garden of a nursary. when we turned up to start the job, all sh!t kicked off with the locals, they got a consultant in who recomended a 30% reduction, they are big poplar one was pollarded at 40 foot and then spreads horizontal for 20 foot before going back up. the council dont have the balls to stand up to these residents (who have no say in the trees, but are doctors and laywers etc) so 2 of them are getting pollarded and one is getting removed.....to top it all off the council will only give us dispensation (to park on the single yellows)for an hour and the begining and end of the day to load and off load tools, gaffa reckons its a week long job.
its shaping up to be a fun fun job, with more fun encounters than anything else. boss told the council noone is climbing them if there is even a breeze as they are a bit sh!tty....read jamie aint climbing them in a breeze.