Brits talkin about Brit stuff

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how about using a disclaimer for training costs like the army do .you leave and have to pay for x amount of the training costs .fair to both parties then.
thats how i got me hgv through the army but was before everyone was signing on for 3 years and getting it .then again never used it ,aint much call for hgvs in an infantry regiment lol.
You fail your driving test so you pay for a re-sit, exactly the same way that NPTC works, administration costs have to be covered along with the assessors fee for that day, none of us would work for free so a re-sit fee is perfectly logical.

Highpoint - "is not the nptc test a required training sylabus for puwer and hse compliance" the NPTC scheme would (*without getting complicated ) demonstrate competence but is not the only option and and is "not required" by law.

Disclaimers - a whole new world and an option that many employees try to move towards, the idea of trying to make an employee pay for training, instruction and supervision is a non starter and this is the most basic aspect of H&S legislation.

I will quite happily stand corrected but i would be surprised to know of any arboricultural employer that redemmed costs for training from an employee.
what i was trying to get across puwer ,was this . a written agreement that if employee x leaves within say 6 months of receiving his expensive training then they become liable for a percentage of the cost,as the employee has benefited the most from doing his nptcs and has them for life (for now).obviously the employer has to ensure his staff are trained but i was refering to the small buisness .ive worked for a firm where you were payed per nptc unit on your salary ,so that was a base of £8000.00 plus one thou for each nptc unit :dizzy: didnt stay to long after he tried telling me that pollarding horsechestnuts was comon practice in france and we dont do it over here enough:confused: he was quite mad actually.
oh yeah puwer i was saying also that the lads shouldnt have to pay the resit fee ,not that it shouldnt be charged .
Shaun Bowler said:
I think it is long over due that the Brits get thier own web site.
I would like to never see their special status on this site to continue any more.
Lets have a poll!
Or, lets break up into nationalities, sex and race.

Get a life & as TG said dont read the thread"Brits talking about Brit stuff"
The staff dont know anything yet about this so it should be fun,All staff on the central network contract(WCE) has till april to gain all relevant quals if they doint they are off the job & it looks like our company is going to be looking for more staff in the new year,Good luck to them if they keep going(i have been asked to sit in on interveiw).
I know a lot of guys this way pay for their own training. As for paying for re-assessment i think it is fair to pay its a pain and its IS expensive but there is an admin cost and training cost involved and thats got to be picked up by someone.

I've got to redo my CS31 because i went on the course never having felled before and it was a lot to master in a week. I also got picked up on standing in a danger zone when doing a letter box cut, depsite thats were my instructor showed me to stand. So I failed the NPTC which my company paid for so personly i have no problem paying to rectfy my mestake (see how many 21 year olds will give you that answer ;) )

I've just been talking to my uni and i get to fell trees in their woodland to remove the trees that shouldn't be there. They get it free i get the practice everybody is happy.

Do you guys train your people with no CS AO units and then just send them off for assessment, are you qualified trainers or do you just do it? On my CS38 it seems i was the only one who had never been near a tree on a rope there companies had all sent them up and about in the crown, some with chainsaws!
Of course it is difficult for small businesses to stump up the cost of a whole suite of NPTC units for an empolyee and potentailly watch them walk away after only six months with you. A lot of firms will therefore limit the training the workforce recieves or only train them up in certain areas ie. ground work only. We then enter a vicious circle of poorly trained, unexperienced staff, who are generally on low wages working in a labour intensive industry, I think that circle already exists!

How about some ideas then, many of us feel that the colleges aren't doing the job properly, climbers with a whole rack of NPTC tickets generally have no experience yet want the money of an experienced arborist. NPTC units are a health and safety qualification and that's it, they only demonstrate part of what is legally competent. Little training is given on tree health care and management, along side staff having little educational development. Risk assessment may be undertaken through neccessaity (ie the contract your on) not choice along with LOLER, PUWER, Working at Height Regs etc.

So how do we break this cycle, how can we create an educated, practical and academic workforce that have the ability to gain hands on saw/tree time?

I have some ideas, most of us are employers and we all know what the problems are and what we want so what should be done?

Brushcutter, many poeple are caught out with danger zones when cutting out the letter box ( i presume this is for hung up tree?) Just a little tip, if you are looking at the back of the tree you should be stood on the left creating the letterbox with a pulling chain, if you put your felling lever about 2 ft away from the back of the tree and slightly towards you this will give you a physical barrier and a bit of a memory jog not to step beyond the lever. If you need to move to the other side of the tree to make the final sever cut then walk round the back of the lever this also shows that you have an awareness of the danger zone and aren't tempted to stand over the back end of the tree. As you start the letterbox and the saw moves towards you alot of people will step forward to square up the 10% of hinge you are leaving nearest to you, keep the feet still and just move the saw square with your right hand, the saw can enter the danger zone not you!

Hope this helps.
hmm a bit of nastiness coming from mr bowler there boys .ah well i think we will weather it,after all they won both world wars for us and invented everything humanly possible eh???????shame theres a rotten apple in the barrel most of the yanks seem allright on here
hmm to answer you question puwer look in this months arb trivett and his gang have said exactly the same thing.nice guy though chris is worked with him in manchester and liverpool for glendales
highpoint, i too worked with mr trivett, but in birmingham. he was contract manager there. i was working for north east at the time and we had to go down and help with the backlog of work after some storms. about 2001 i think. thoroughly nice bloke. sorted us out with loads of cash and overtime and took us alll out in broad street a couple of times after a good curry. he even gave us his car for a weekend so a few of us could go home to see our other halfs. i even managed to claim back petrol money that turned out to be 4x the amount it actually cost and we got money to go home that weekend bonus!!!!!!!
pruner do you know my old mate peter bolton? he was contracts manager for manchester and liverpool.if you was around in 2000/2001 did you know of the area manager for n/w dave peake .what an arse
Shaun Bowler said:
I think it is long over due that the Brits get thier own web site.
I would like to never see their special status on this site to continue any more.
Lets have a poll!
Or, lets break up into nationalities, sex and race.

Unimog, Just logged on and caught up with the postings. If you will try ringing in on the day when the Agricultural group is out for its christmas do what do you expect!!! You don't expect every inspector to be able to cope with arb work do you. Next time see ir you can ask the idiots to wait a day, I was working in York last Wednesday

Training, like PPE should be supplied by the employer, it is their responsibilty to train and to supply PPE. The law states that the cost of H&S measures cannot be passed onto the employee. To charge employees would be like charging employees the admin time to work out their own tax & NI, its just one of the many costs of running a legit business.
I do however know of companies that have contracts with employees that state if they leave then they have to pay back some of the cost of PPE. It is a standard thing to do for driver training. I know big bus companies pay for PCV license but if you leave within a certain time (until they think they have a return on the investment) you pay some or all of the cost.
what are you on you ,div,why butt in to a thread with snidey remarks about our country,are our boys not dying in iraq with yours ,dont we speak the same language ,sort off,go away you silly little man and do some growing up ,ps,do you have firearms at home ? i hope so ,put one in the chamber and do your self a favour ,daddy usa ,you daft sod ,
and you didnt throw us out ,you snidley attacked us on christmas day when we was all pissed ,learn your history not what hollywood tells you .anyhow we was back during the civil war selling both sides weapons and had men fighting on both sides *******.and the confederates navy flagship was british built and word ----------tosser
Shaun Bowler said:
Face the truth... When we kicked you out of this country, you had no where else to go but an island.
oh so we didnt have the commonwealth then ?????????plus we were busy kicking the frenchies arses and couldnt be bothered kicking your arses .
fact is, almost any american you meet who has ventured outside the US has a vastly different aspect on life than those who havent been out of guess is mr bowler falls into the latter, red neck category

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