Hi all,
A quick question about chainsaw pants .As far as I'm aware if you use a chainsaw in a tree you MUST use type c pants. Now looking at this guideline from the HSE www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg317.pdf
it would seem that it is only "recommended" that you use type c (all round protection) if your an arb or an occasional user.
I'm hoping that some1 here can elaborate on this a bit and give a definate yes or no to needing type c while climbing.
The only reason im asking is that its time to buy some new kit, harness rope and some chainsaw pants and the Stihl hiflex i have atm are definately pants!
so if i can get away with something like the sip freedom or stretch air type A then i will.
Anyhow any info at all would be very much appreciated.
A quick question about chainsaw pants .As far as I'm aware if you use a chainsaw in a tree you MUST use type c pants. Now looking at this guideline from the HSE www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg317.pdf
it would seem that it is only "recommended" that you use type c (all round protection) if your an arb or an occasional user.
I'm hoping that some1 here can elaborate on this a bit and give a definate yes or no to needing type c while climbing.
The only reason im asking is that its time to buy some new kit, harness rope and some chainsaw pants and the Stihl hiflex i have atm are definately pants!
Anyhow any info at all would be very much appreciated.