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Rolla... Stir.... NEVER!!!... I still got a mental picture of poor oold Mr Husqvarna at Capel. He was punch-drunk and reeling from Rolla before I even started.
god old Huskey earened his money that day lol..we tag teamed him lol..funny thing is my 3120 has run perfect ever since lol...

IAN i was being serious ,i do think the chinks will end up makeing cheaper and possibly better chippers ,than we have now,I'd love to see the japs make a chipper
Jap chips

The Japs already make chippers but don't export much yet to the west.
given their technology when it comes to sharp edges and diesel engines i would think its probably pretty special...
have seen a jap chipper in thailand, it was built into the chassis of the truck and sat under the chip box, very neat
i'm not looking for me however who knows what the future will bring
a new reliable affordable and supported range wouldn't be a bad thing
lets face it a chipper don't cost to make what they are being sold for ( okay there are development costs to a certain extent put together a power unit two rollers +hyd motors and a flywheel and frame and guess what its a chipper !!!!

there could be more of the margin allocated to after sales support and parts back up
so if some enterprising individuals with experience at the sharp end of the bussiness were to sieze on that !!!! who knows !
just a thought
Crap aftersale support is'nt restricted to chippers though - ii've had a terrible time dealing with nissan over a warrenty issue, and ask Rolla about Isuzu's aftersales support. Also decent aftersales backup costs the dealer big£. I would be happy to have a dealer who knew what he was talking about, and parts that don't cost a small mortgage...
as i say the right people,,, how many salesmen no or care about the complexititys involved in running an arb co they'll be your best friend right up untill the cheque clears just the same as if they were selling cars or double glazing

a chipper that is broken is and inveitable thing,
however when you've spent more on it than some people work a whole year for, and its still sat there looking at you everyday as you set off and when you return having stacked brash ( well watch the lads stack brash ) and then have to unload and deal with the brash later on !
then to capp it all , a numpty says happily informs you it'll be three weeks for the part to come in ''really doesn't help''

i v'e had machines break on people you v'e bought through me, if it can't be fixed with a couple of days, i have loaned them one of my own contracting machines i know what its like to be up ???? creek without a paddle its not funny in the slightest
My sentiments exactly. A chipper dealer who knows chippers/contracting would know to stock certain parts - and plenty of them. (I have had parts sent over from the US faster and cheaper than the UK dealer could get them to me). a chipper salesman who was selling diggers 6 months previously, and a parts/stores manager whos barely ever seen a chipper adds up to trouble, and makes for extreme frustration for the contractor. Iwould like to start selling chippers, purely because I have seen so many contractors like myself get ripped off, BUT...I don't want to get it wrong, so I'm trying to find out exactly what the contractors want and need.
maybe its not worth the bother, but from the feedback i'm getting theres a lot of pissed off contractors/buyers out there.
Personally I hope that Jensen are there as I should like to point out a few of the intricacies of building something with a view to it staying together for 5 mins. Got a bottle of Loctite to give them for starters. might even chuck in some spanners as well!! How about you Rolla? Fancy a bout with Husky or shal we find a new un-suspecting victim to bounce around the ring.
Big A said:
Personally I hope that Jensen are there as I should like to point out a few of the intricacies of building something with a view to it staying together for 5 mins. Got a bottle of Loctite to give them for starters. might even chuck in some spanners as well!! How about you Rolla? Fancy a bout with Husky or shal we find a new un-suspecting victim to bounce around the ring.

HUMM i could start on one or two dealers regarding DEMOing machines [or lack off]
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