At the ex's ranch the windthrow was always a problem and had to be cleaned up, tree thinning had to be done, and trees had to be cleared so we had more wood than we could burn there, regardless. I have to have a PU truck anyway, and even factoring for the PU, gas and chainsaw costs, my wood here costs me all of about $50 a cord for wood collected off of my property. On my property here I also have had a lot of windthrow this year. Free firewood. Even collecting off property it is cheaper than working, paying HUGE TAXES, and then paying for the electricity with what is left of the paycheck. I also stay in shape instead of being fat behind a desk all day, which I was as an engineer. That nearly killed me with stress and high cholesterol. Cutting and splitting wood with a maul will likely lead to my living 10 years longer.
Beyond that, wood is still cheaper by about a factor of about three over electricity here, even if I pay for Doug fir which I can get delivered here, split and seasoned for $175 for a real cord. A cord of DF has roughly 25 MBTU in energy. Figure my stove has a 70% efficiency, so that results in about $10 per million BTU. Electricity here is cheap, ten cents a KWhr, but even that is equal to $30 per million MTU.
So you are paying about 3x what I am for heat even if I buy the wood. In actuality, you are paying about 9x what I am for heat here, factoring for my gas and other costs. Add income and SS taxes to what you earn to pay for electricity, and you have to earn over 12x what I pay for heat. I burn on average 3 cords of wood a year here, for 52.5 million BTU per year at 70% eff. 52.5 MBTU would cost me $1540 in electricity. I would have to earn about $2,200 before taxes to pay the electric bill. Figuring I can get 1 cord of wood and noodle it in about 6 hours, and split and stack it in another 10 hours, and load it into the stove for few hours more, say 20 hours processing time per cord, or 60 hours total for the wood. That comes out to a whopping $36 an hour in pay for me, untaxed! Even factoring for the other costs of wood to me at $50 a cord, that is still $33 an hour in pre-tax labor.
So you keep the Boardman Coal Plant cranking, and I will burn the wood. Math don't lie.