Bucket trucks

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i personally think it is worn and needs lots of grease.. The cables look pretty good to me. i dont have any employees its just me who goes in the bucket.... Now my worn bottem fiberglass bucket may be another story.... that looks scarey but i am fixing that.

when i am, up in the bucket , if a the truck stops i just tie in and ride the rope down..
well i think it has happened a few times , Esspecially if i have the idle to slow or i run out of gas.
Originally posted by netree
Butch, that "side bin" is my toolboxes....

Cool, Erik. Its a little different than the side bins (thas whut I call em) that I'm used to. :)

Ya'll remember this baddarse mama-jama? :D


I really hate to rain on your parade, but the more you reveal about this truck, the more you should consider finding some thing better or spend some serious bucks on the one you have. There have been some serious accidents in our area the last few years from buckets that didn't get proper maintence.

Lots of grease is just wishful thinking that it is going to be a cure all for the problems your having.

No one likes spending 4 and 5 figures bucks to get equipment fixed. If you want to have a safe reliable, dependable truck you just have to break down and " Git er Done " so to speak.

We don't need any more contributions to the Accident and Fatalities Forum here.
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oh i have considered getting another truck..... If the economy holds up, i will be getting a newer one. But this one is will still fill the bill until i find another. i would like to get a international with the 466 and a 2 size bucket.
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
I think Abbershay has it all figured out. Inspections and repairs are for dumb people who aren't smart enough to 'keep an eye' on worn out parts. I believe Abbershay knows the exact condition of his truck and is intimately aware of every worn part. Therefore, an inspection would be a waste of money. And he has determined his truck is 100% safe for him to use until he unloads it. You see, he's just smarter than the average tree guy in a 30 year old worn-out bucket truck. He don't need no steenkin' inspection!

Excellent post!
Glad to hear it. I think the economy is on the upturn, surprizingly we have had a spurt of work for this late in the season that will carry us well into January. I recently heard from one of our heavy commercial clients that have been silent for almost three years. When these people spend money on trees I know something is up, hopefully for the better.
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
I think Abbershay has it all figured out. Inspections and repairs are for dumb people who aren't smart enough to 'keep an eye' on worn out parts. I believe Abbershay knows the exact condition of his truck and is intimately aware of every worn part. Therefore, an inspection would be a waste of money. And he has determined his truck is 100% safe for him to use until he unloads it. You see, he's just smarter than the average tree guy in a 30 year old worn-out bucket truck. He don't need no steenkin' inspection!

I am starting to agree. It sounds like it is becoming a bucket-bolts mighty quick. I think that if I had a bucket truck and it moved more than it should, I would have it inspected quickly, if not sooner, seeing as how the "slightly worn pins" are what hold you up in the air. As to the "needs a good greasin" thing, that, IMO is pure lazyness/ lack of respect. You should grease it every day, twice if you are in it more than usual, as a 5 cent shot of grease goes a long way toward somthing called "PREVINTATIVE MAINTENANCE." But like i said it is my opinion, and your truck, so do what you want.

Heyheyhey , its not 30 years old.... it isnt that bad of a truck . Sure i wouldnt mind if it was tighter. But the design of it helps it to sway it is way out at the back end of the truck and its put together with pins from the factory.. pins dont make things tight. I really dont plan on selling it after i am through unless i sell it to a friend for a contracting construction.. the truck really doesnt owe me anything i only paid 3 grand for it. The truck itsself it junk but i like that boom even if it does sway.. when its on the back like that i can really reach out a ways from the truck.

The boom is very easy to swap it onto another truck , i just might do that. i will see if i can take pictures tommorrow , hope you all do give me to much grief though....

There is no excuse for not greasing .... i agree with you.
One more thing if something was to break i hope it does it good , i am in no way afraid of dying but i sure dont want to get hurt.
Originally posted by Abbershay
One more thing if something was to break i hope it does it good , i am in no way afraid of dying but i sure dont want to get hurt.

I aint scared of death either, only kinda wonder how its gonna happen (hopefully after a long purpose driven life, but before I become a burden on anyone, and go in my sleep). However, I would like to think that I would be missed and would missed by my love ones.

That is the reason I don't climb on an ascender with a worn pin that has a little slack in it, I buy another one, or in your case, fix it.

compared to my life in the past . this is one of the safest things i have done.

I think some of you guys are thinking this sway is allot more than it is. i cant really image that a 1995 boombruck would already need to be gone through. i got clothes that last longer than that. no offence.lol
Still doesn't justify neglect.

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