That log is on a forest which is ruled by the Northwest Forest Plan. I highly doubt it will make it to a mill. Before any tree heads to the mill, an environmental assessment has to be done and that means surveys for the sensitive species, plants, slugs, birds, and other critters. That takes about a year. Then you have to figure out what management area the tree is in. LSR? Forget it. Then the timber sale will be appealed and run through the gamut and IF the sale survives all the legal challenges, it might still be good to sell, but maybe not anymore.
You have to figure is it worth all of the above? Or is it more feasible to leave it alone. Perhaps the fish people have enough funding to dump it in a river or creek?
One person can hold it up. That's the way it is.
Oh, LSR stands for Late Seral Reserve officially. Unofficially, we politically incorrect people say it stands for Let Sit and Rot.
Back to bucking. That looks scary to me. But I'm just a "B" Bucker, which I think is fitting. I've always been just a B student...