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I think chicago is 9 hours for me. How far past chicago would it be? I've made several 1900-2200 mile drives already so why not a 1k if i'm not busy working.

Well it is only 3 hours for me to Chicago, so another 5-6 hours once you're past that chit hole :D
They have spotted cow beer there. That and wendell, jd, and the guys I haven't met yet from up there would be nice to meet them and have a beer with them.
They have spotted cow beer there. That and wendell, jd, and the guys I haven't met yet from up there would be nice to meet them and have a beer with them.

Well if you come across 80-90 through Indiana, stop in and I'll buy ya a beer!
Seems to me I read somewhere that the first best mod, was a really sharp chain. . . But where did I see that? :biggrin::biggrin:

It makes no sense to me to be a really good saw builder, and not be able to make a really good chain. They go hand-in-hand IMO, like PB&J. :)

Unsharpenitis is a pretty common disease. . . My BIL has it. Dude "gets by" with how he files a chain, but I can dang near whoop him with a Homy XL and him running his 046. :laugh:

Chain makes a lot more difference than folks think. And not just speed, but PH longevity, and user fatigue as well.

You can make a faster saw than me, but if my chain is more efficient, I'll be in the lawn chair drinking beer before you. :msp_tongue:

BTW, you don't "need" square profile to make a good chain, round is just fine. . . The principles to a good chain are the same.

I think chicago is 9 hours for me. How far past chicago would it be? I've made several 1900-2200 mile drives already so why not a 1k if i'm not busy working.

Well it is only 3 hours for me to Chicago, so another 5-6 hours once you're past that chit hole :D

It was about 1000 miles from my place to Terry's GTG. Scotts is a couple hours closer to you from my place. He should be about 5 from Chicago.
If any one wanted to fly in I could pick them up at the Airport in Minneapolis. Will they let you carry on a chainsaw?:hmm3grin2orange:
Can't just use spray paint when building a racechain I told you.....It's all about the polish..........and a few other talents.....Hahahahahaha!


But, but, but,

I just got a pack of sheet metal screws, a Dremil and a can of flat black paint.

I was going to be a "builder" too, figured I could make at least $100 an hour.

Screw filing chain, that's too much work for such little return (monetarily)
I'm a couple hours from Terry. Depending on time it might be a nice place to go if the snow has melted and mud dried up.
Tree Monkey 361

Cuttin some green/frozen oak, not trying to win any races here, just demoing the sound and pushing on it.

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Yes, the chain was sharp and rakers down.
Who's got the video of his (I believe 066) cutting that big Ol' log at a GTG? I believe there was a shop in the background.

That was the first TM chainsaw I ever saw, and it made me want to run it. Super quick! :rock:
Who's got the video of his (I believe 066) cutting that big Ol' log at a GTG? I believe there was a shop in the background.

That was the first TM chainsaw I ever saw, and it made me want to run it. Super quick! :rock:

That was Issac Carlson??? Don't know if he's a member anymore, think he got into it with a few here and left the site and took it down. Not fore sure tho...
Who's got the video of his (I believe 066) cutting that big Ol' log at a GTG? I believe there was a shop in the background.

That was the first TM chainsaw I ever saw, and it made me want to run it. Super quick! :rock:

Don't know, But I remember it. Strong saw forsure!
Here's the 361 I owned for several years. I sold it after buying and modding my 346, and realized I had no need for a 60cc saw.

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Chain makes a lot more difference than folks think.

BTW, you don't "need" square profile to make a good chain, round is just fine. . . The principles to a good chain are the same.

Yes they do!.......but while your round chipper chain is gouging, ripping, and chisel tooth chain is slicing, and cutting, very smoothly and much more efficient!
Yes they do!.......but while your round chipper chain is gouging, ripping, and chisel tooth chain is slicing, and cutting, very smoothly and much more efficient!

Too true Dennis, square is more efficient, but speaking of a chain for work, a guy can make a plenty sharp chain with a round file. The rub is you have to spend more time with the chain, not just a few strokes of the round file and on to the next tooth.

Probably the biggest oopsie I see folks do with round chain is waaay too much back angle, top plate angle and hook.
I'd love to run square, but allot of the time I'm cutting dirty wood, and not sure how well it would last.

I've played around with a goofy file on my 357 and it definitely cuts real nice and smooth.
I'd love to run square, but allot of the time I'm cutting dirty wood, and not sure how well it would last.

I've played around with a goofy file on my 357 and it definitely cuts real nice and smooth.

You can setup square where it's as tolerant to dirt as round profile. . . Ya can't have a thin top plate on either one to have it do any good for longevity.

Semi-chisel would be the most tolerant but ain't near as sharp.
You can setup square where it's as tolerant to dirt as round profile. . . Ya can't have a thin top plate on either one to have it do any good for longevity.

Semi-chisel would be the most tolerant but ain't near as sharp.

I've been running semi on my 372 the past while, only because I have it, and it can cut pretty fast. All the vids I've posted of my 372 are with semi.