Wow! This is amazing.
News flash!!! Just because you can, does not make it right. Eminent domain my left hind leg.
I bet that 84 acres was less expensive than the land next too it, eh? The stinking government has made it to where people don't have to think about anything. No access? No problem, we'll take it away from your neighbor. Who probably had plans for it, but no big deal, your plans are probably more important. How would you like it if they all of a sudden decided to take your 800 yard shooting range away from you, so someone behind you with a few acres could have cheaper access?
I guess all that I can really say is; JimTimber, please don't ever consider moving to New Mexico, please. We have enough people like you moving in. Some are actually learning some manners though.
Well said. He probably wouldn't fit in around here too well, either. In fact I know he wouldn't.
We're used to people moving up here and their attitude that we're all a bunch of neanderthal, isolationist, room temperature IQ, mouth breathers who probably marry our cousins and move our lips when we read. In most cases they're wrong...but it's still irritating.
There was a guy from L.A who bought a piece of ground that cornered on mine. There was no real road access to his proposed building site but he could have easily built one. He decided not to.
He opted instead to inform me that I would be allowing him to use part of my road and that he'd cut a small access road that joined with mine to get to his property. He didn't ask, he didn't even suggest, he just flat told me what he was going to do. He also let it be known that he was no stranger to land deals and courts and getting his own way in whatever he decided to do. I didn't say much, other than no, and told him to do whatever he wanted but he wasn't coming across my place. Not then, not ever.
I'll spare you all the boring details...but after about a year of wrangling, hearings, petitions, more hearings and general aggravation, he wound up cutting his own road into his own property and not bothering me anymore. If he'd come to me in the first place and just asked I probably would have let him use my road.
He's since sold the property, with it's nice little road and nothing ever being built on it. He forgot to ask about water rights and well depth and things like that. Water is a little scarce where he wanted to build.
The new owners seem like nice people. They called me and introduced themselves and we met at the property and talked. They wanted to know where the lines were and how best to make use of the property and just basically how to be good neighbors. It was kind of refreshing. They're from New Mexico.
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