It's finally sunny here!!
Good luck with the straight hedge:hmm3grin2orange:
I've been looking for two years for a 14" or better piece 6' long for a buddy that wants to try milling the stuff.
I'm still looking!!
If I had gotten the word sooner I would have had you a piece.
I took a load of limbs, curlies and such to the city wood dump at noon, a day like anyother. I had 2 saws on the truck cause I was headed out to get posts after lunch. The sun was out and there was a bit of wind. I hoped I'd be able to get in to the pasture to cut. I figured I might hit somethimng worth taking out of the wood dump with me but never faired to well in the past there. I usually cruise arounf the pile once or twice. This time I noticed a good load of Red Elm and some hard Maple just a little bit off from it. A Pile of Cataulpa poles, some yard waste and tomato plants. Tree of Paradise some pecan trimming, Around the corner of the pile there were some Mullbery sticks poking out. A Pile of hedge balls off to the side but no wood , I thought Ok well I misssed that one. Until I rounded the corner a bit more. I spotted a log next to the big pile. There sits this log , prettiest yellow green you ever seen. It was about 10 ft long and sound looking. Behind it was a pile of wood pushed up with a dozer from the same tree. This pile was pretty good sized like they hadn't burned in a while. about 45 feet long 12-15 feet high and a good 30 feet wide. Most of it looked to be all Hedge with a bit of Blackust in there. One end was a big cottonwood stump and the trash brush off it. Sorta masked off the good stuff till I got around where It was.
Did I go to cutting you ask ? Well... yah !!
The log was 24 inches at the base, 10 feet long. I sank the dogs in the wood and burried a 20 inch bar in the small end and went to work on it, and the pile. 3 hours later I hadnt made a dent in the pile and was on my second big load. I know the ol'boy that runs the place and he said there had been 10 loads taken out from the pile already before I got there. So nice that he called, He knows I burn wood for heat and sell what I don't use. Any way I came back a half hour before close after picking kids up from school and started in again. He kept the gate open an extra half hour to let me have at it some more.

They usually burn on the days they are closed which means tomorow I couldn't get back in there if I wanted to. It was a mad dash for me trying to get at it. I hadnt realised I didnt have a chain longer than 2-3 ft with me to puul anything out of that twisted up mess on the first load. You can bet I did on the second load though.
I had one of the boys count rings on it and mark every ten years. The first 8 years or so was carpenter ants but the rings showing were 96. Oh man I wish I had a camera. It had 1/2 inch of sapwood or less in all the old growth. I whacked a couple of chunks with the axe and they split apart with a pop like cracked glass. It helps to know where to hit them. With any luck the dozer operator/fire tender will be off tomorrow. I think I will swap a day at work and be there first thing when they re-open the gates to us public folk.
You know I will be one tired dude filling the truck all day again and hopefully trailer if I can get it out. I hope there is no smoke coming from the pile. That means it will be gone or you cant dump/cut in that area. Supposedly the trunk is still in there. I spotted a few more stems that pretty closely matched what I started on not to deep in the pile. I just couldn't get to em to get a chain around any. I did pull out an 8" X 8 foot post with about 6 feet of it straight but I was beat and it was all I could do to get it on. Posts bring better money than firewood for me when I can get straight stuff.
This is one tree that I wont be taking much of the small stuff. It is going to go to waste anyway so I think I'll be greedy and just go after 4"+ stuff and see what I can drag out of that pile worth getting.
Sawingredneck, I'll PM you if I get in there before they set a match to the monster plie and can come out with anything close to what you mentioned.
What a day. Just glad I didnt have anymore trouble than sharpening chains and a sore back.
Oh BTW I thought I'd see how well it burns fresh cut split one of the smaller round and got it started with some good dry hackberry and it took its tom,e to light off but there aint no stopping it now. Got all the air shut off, the only thing it is getting is from the leak around the door and it is sitting there pretty as you please glowing hot with nice blue flames for the last couple of hours and hant used 1/8 of what went in there. It is going to be toasty in here come the middle of January, even if it isnt quite ready by most accounts . Hedge , gotta love it.