cords of mystic memory
Oh, what a waste.Apple & Cherry along with Apricot should be reserved strictly for smoking poultry.
It's possible to have it both ways. We cook/heat with an old cookstove like the kind grammy used to have. Not the most effecient, but they throw off a good amount of heat and keep us from having to use the gas range/oven.
The oven is to the right of the firebox and the combusted fuel passes over and around the oven. A little smoke does get in the oven itself and imparts a wonderful flavor. We save our apple for Thanksgiving for when we cook our turkey in that cast iron behemoth.

In fact was out scouting wood today, for next spring or summers cutting and someone had got one of the trees that I had my eye on. The tree probably had two cords in it, and was right next to the road. Oh, well.
Out my way, that's called 'woodboogerin.' Sounds like you got outboogged.
Happens to the best of us. There was a deadfall oak, easy access, about 2 mi. from home. Been waiting to see the landowner in his yard to ask permission. Drove by a few days ago. All gone but small piles of sawdust, approximately 18" apart. I can take solace. NH is the 2nd most forested state in the US. There's plenty more trees to boogah up.