I've made a bit of money in the past buying saws cheaply and fixing them up then selling them. Usually it's just luck finding a saw that people want that needs fixing. It's no trouble selling something like a 346xp if the price isn't too high. You just have to be careful how much money you end up in the saw and how popular that saw is. A MS290 shouldn't have been hard to sell normally if the price is under $250 and it isn't too beat up...If you can't sell a 290 and make money on it you probably are in the wrong business..These days everybody seems to be making crazy money flipping chainsaws and there are apparently dozens of buyers patiently lining up with big wands of cash in their hands to buy such collectibles as MS180's and Chicom Hitachi's.
You have to tell me your secret because it took me four months to sell an MS290 last year and in the end I sold it at a small loss: I had to throw in a used chain in good shape to sell the saw at cost (what I paid for it plus parts), otherwise I'd still have that damn thing.
You also have to tell me how you pay so little for saws, even seized ones, because here every seller is apparently holding to a treasure of the greatest rarity and won't knock off one penny.