Randy, thanks for the pic laughs
Wrong answer. Go to the back of the class and study yarding systems and directional falling. You're an example why most faller wannabes start out as a rigging rat. The tree needs to be felled so the butt, which is much smaller than what Randy likes, is pointing towards the corridor. The corridor is a clearing that is a straight line going from the yarder to a tree big enough to use for a tailhold (which always pulls over on Axmen). The corridor is 10 to 12 feet wide.
Logs are pulled into the corridor by the carriage and then the carriage rides on the skyline and the logs go up or down the corridor.
Now heres a pic of a true grandiose PNW tree cutter person
This guy belongs on megans list
Never said I was a feller, was just taking a stab
This guy belongs on megans list
My first cut for pay job was about 2 acres of 24-32" doug firs to be yarded by a cat when I had them all down and bucked. I got em all down and limbed and bucked. Pay day arrived and the cat showed up and some interesting language was used talking about my pile of pick up sticks. I had used the fall where they want to fall method to acheive the pick up sticks pile. Learned a hole bunch about falling trees in line with the lead to make skidding a whole lot easier and more productive. He even still paid me the original agreed pay.The cat guy was sympathetic and gave me another shot at a small job and was so much happier with my work after I had used wedges to line up all the felling in a reasonabaly straight line. I still had some criss crosses but low experience and wedges dont work magic.
And yes I drop trees with out wedges if they dont need em.
Hahaha. That sounds kinda like my first strip. I asked the saw boss how they wanted it cut? He said that I'd figure it out.
Being the astute person that I am I studied my scale sheet that night and discovered that 16' and 24' logs paid a little more than any other length. So my razor sharp mind deduced that if they pay more, then that must be the lengths they want. Well, after cutting that entire strip into 16' and 24' logs...I found out that I was mistaken.
Evidently someone felt sorry for me. That's the only reason I can figure that I still had a job.
You don't get it at all. Shoosh. Let the grown-ups talk.
What th hell is megans list? I know craigslist and angies list but never heard of this one...
damn, this one took off. to the op, you have to earn the right to be cocky and arrogant around here. come back any time the days are gettin shorter.![]()
i want to see the fine toppers he did.Yup...the last chew toy we had, expertech, didn't last long.