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You said: "Please feel free to comment on my misspelled words and bad grammar because I CARE>"

Ok. I will!

havn't: in a contraction, the apostrophe replaces the missing letter. The rest of the two words are spelled intact as one word. The correct form would be haven't.

threatened anyone and I ... hugging, out of touch ...moron and it he would like ...address it don't matter to me. This is a run-on sentence. Consider improving the readability through the use of additional periods and improved grammar:

"It don't" Remember my little statement about conjugating verbs? You may wish to look up the various tenses of the verb "do". "Doesn't" would be a suitable substitute, providing that it was not your intention to sound like a hick with no education.

I am a mechanic I work on ... This is another run-on sentence! The insertion of a period after mechanic would correct this problem. Other punctuation, particularly a "?", would also be appropriate.

... shop for that matter it is physical work 10hrs a day so I am not worried about. This is an amazing work of composition which effectively merges three declarative sentences into one incomplete sentence. Consider the following corrections:"... shop for that matter.It is physical work with 10 hours a day, so I am not worried about it."

I have the greatest respect for mechanics, as they are an essential part of this world. Being a mechanic, however, does not entitle you to insult everyone else. So far, you have insulted politicians, firefighters, and arborists. In fact you have insulted everyone that came up in conversation. You several times called individuals a moron (or worse), while simultaneously displaying your moronic attitudes and communication skills.

I suspect that you are into a sadomasochistic lifestyle, because you seem to be hanging out here for the sole purpose of encouraging people to heap abuse upon you. You are probably the one who likes to be tied up and beaten?

My only purpose in contributing this post is to work out some of my petty frustrations with the world upon you, since you are such a huge target and so easy to hit! This isn't really fair to you, however, and I would prefer for everyone else that visits this site to not think of me as "the smart ass picking on the dummy".

So I will stop.

It's been fun, but I will not give you any more English lessons.

Please feel free to comment on my misspelled words and bad grammar because I CARE>

Thanks for the info, do you make house calls? I am the dummy but you are the smart one because you can compose a sentence that is irrelevant because you get the point. It is interesting how you have criticized my grammar but you have understood everything I have typed. So really the problem here is you feel powerful by correcting my english and insulting my grammar, but you have yet to say why you are doing this is it because you are too ignorant to argue with me or do you go around the whole aborist site correcting everyone? ANyways it has been great all powerful english teacher.LOL
Last edited: it because you are too ignorant to argue with me ...

"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."

I think that about covers it, don't you? You will find no arguments from me with anything you have posted since my quote shown above.

I never said I wouldn't criticize. The snide comments and sardonic wit were purely for my own satisfaction. I presumed that you would not notice, anyway.
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I think that about covers it, don't you? You will find no arguments from me with anything you have posted since my quote shown above.

I never said I wouldn't criticize.

Well I appreciate the whatever it is you are doing. Out of respect I will hit a tree with my pickup, but only because I like you.
People foR Ethical TREEtment

Worse than just mis-spelling, also the fonts are deranged. :monkey:

In this day and age anyone can "founder" any BS, a 2 bob blog and away ya go. :hmm3grin2orange:

It appears some have beaten you too Guy, check it out.

This group have been at it since 2004

People for the ethical treatment of trees

And up the top right corner it states (I bolded the best part):-

People for the Ethical Treatment of Trees is a non-profit organization dedicated to arboreal rights, because trees are people too!

But right down the bottom it clears it up a little:-

People for the Ethical Treatment of Trees is a "non-profit organization" dedicated to arboreal rights and was "founded" in 2004 as a semi-joke at It may or may not have been a parody of an actual organization. After not really doing anything with it since 2006, I thought that it was time PETT made a comeback, in the form of a blog. This blog will serve as a general environmentalism blog, but in the tradition of my original vision, I will try to add humor where I see fit (even though most people probably won't understand my sense of humor).

I also found this site.

People For The Ethical Treatment Of Plants

They seem about as logical and sensible as the first crowd.
Christmastime. A pleasant time of year for all to sit around in the warmth and drink hot cocoa and sing songs. A nice, happy time for all.

Unless you're a tree! Yes, my brethren, my fellow humans... Christmastime is a time of HORROR and PAIN and FEAR for various kinds of evergreen trees. Be they fir, or spruce, or pine... Christmastime (or Yule as the Pagans call it) is the WORST time of the year for trees. Hacked off at the roots, left to die a slow and painful death as people merrily string its corpse with pretty lights and colors. This is, to the trees, how we would feel if trees crucified a human being once a year or beheaded a man, hung him from the ceiling, and decorated his decaying corpse.

Then there's this Facebook site:-

People for the Ethical Treatment of Trees

And the description is this:-
It is time to stop the annual slaughter of the Christmas trees. Lets make Christmas more about love, peace and kindness to small helpless trees.

Looks like they been going since 2008 and didn't see your name on the member list Guy.

So you can clearly see Guy is not alone, he's with some real top guns and razor sharp minds. :biggrinbounce2:
:agree2: thats some priceless stuff right there!!! LMAO
